Pearce recall petitions indicate massive voter registration fraud


‘None of these purposes is served when individuals who are not citizens register to vote’

PHOENIX – It was just announced earlier today that the recall drive against Sen. Russell Pearce, R-Dist. 18, president of the Senate, has enough signatures to force a recall election.
The Political Action Committee Citizens for a Better Arizona needed 7,756 signatures and turned in close to 17,000.

According to county election officials on Wednesday morning, 8,239 signatures were verified, although the results were still unofficial.

Recall elections require the election department to verify every signature.

Anyone who wants to see just how rampant voter registration fraud is in Arizona might want to consider checking the validity of signatures on those recall petitions.

Besides the normal findings of people signing who are not registered or registered in another district, there were some who signed who could not correctly spell their own name. That’s generally a red flag that something is amiss.

One man signed and printed his last name “Petersonâ€