Who will lead us to stop the Bushite Coup illegal alien invasion takeover?

Mark Lowry
February 20, 2007

The Revolutionary war had 3 million citizens available to fight the English war machine. They were a ragtag group of big and small farmers, with a few very wealthy land owners who decided their liberty from tyranny was more important than any thing else in life. Separation of aristocracy and working classes was not as pronounced as it is now. There was less of an income gap than we have now and that provided a more unified group.

Working classes were primarily descendents of activists who refused to live under authoritarian rule of the European aristocracy. They made the trip across the Atlantic to an unknown future in a strange land in a search to be free rather than accept security of bondage regardless of the degree.

Included in that revolutionary ragtag group of mixed heritage mongrels were criminals, ne’er do wells and other misfits of various races and ethnicities. They were descendents of black, white and Indian slaves, and indentured servants. The first shot of the revolution is reported to have been fired by a free black man.

Modern political correctness would say he did not live the real Black American experience and was not really black. That is an accurate assessment. He wasn’t black he was an American, just like all of the other misfit revolutionaries.

Shared bonds included desire to be independent in mind, body and spirit from oppressive government. They all had a common enemy. That bond forged from having the same enemy is one of the most powerful forces of union in history of warfare. There is hardly a stronger union than common hatred for an oppressor.

Strength of that union is recognized in Iraq where both Sunnis and Shiite, age old enemies are killing U.S. troops.

The only thing that can destroy that bond is a greater hatred for each other than the universal enemy. Lack of clear definition of the common enemy creates a chance for the oppressor to generate hatred between groups they subjugate. Skillful oppressors know this lesson of history and work diligently to make sure victims of their oppression never understand who their real foe is. They must always create conflict between groups of their subjugation. They know they can’t rule us without that internal division.

That is the battle we must first win in order to be successful in stopping the Bushite Coup. We have to collectively agree our true enemy is the Bushite Corporate Elite. That group includes corporate elite in both the democratic and republican parties. It isn’t any other group in America, we must maintain our collective focus as they have and stop them, not each other.

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Richard a retired Vietnam veteran saw medical benefits cut when he lost his job to invading illegal aliens. He was unemployed for over 7 months and could not find work as a fork lift operator or anything else even though he tried as hard as he could. No one would hire him for other jobs because of his age. After months of unsuccessful responses to job advertisements, he finally got an interview, and was told he was accepted if he could pass the physical that was scheduled the following week.

His wife had a birth defect that prevented her from walking without great difficulty. She fell easily. Her scant disability benefit eroded as skyrocketing health care costs and taxes on the income benefits ate away at it.

Richard and his wife lived in a modest home probably worth no more than $40,000. The house was meticulously clean and neat. There were signs in the yard of their love and pride for the little house even though it was located in a less than desirable industrial area across from an auto repair business.

The small wire fenced yard was well landscaped with flowers and small bushes. Richard’s carpentry skills were reflected in little bird houses and other homemade yard ornaments. The well maintained home and yard had an American flag flying illustrating love for their home and country.

A frame rental house two doors down was a different story. The front door screen had been torn off and front door was often open as loud Mexican music came blaring out of the house at all times of day and night. Police wouldn’t do anything to stop it because they did not want to offend illegals that lived there or risk possibility of having a civil rights suit arise if illegals alleged someone picked them out for police harassment because of their race. The illegals seemed to have plenty of money for beer and parties.

Richard was one of those ragtag misfits determined to stop the Bushite Coup and worked closely with Standup 7+1 in efforts to stop corrupt Lexington, Kentucky government’s involvement in funding, aiding and abetting the illegal alien invasion.

He worked tirelessly until one day when he and his wife seemed to just drop out of the picture. Neither he nor his wife answered the phone. There was no response to left messages for several days. It may have been a week later, when Richard called. He in a somber and deliberate voice said he couldn’t help protest the Bushite Coup anymore.

Richard said he missed his scheduled physical for the new job because severe back pain forced him to check into the local veterans’ hospital for attention. Doctors found the back pain was caused by lung cancer and kept him for treatments. He tried to tell his wife what was going on by phone but she didn’t answer.

He was released after about three or four days of treatment, went home and found his wife in the floor dead. She had apparently died of a massive heart attack and no one had noticed. Richard was in the process of determining what to do and decided to notify their children who lived out of state and have her body cremated. He had no money for more.

There are millions of Richards in the United States today. You may be one of them. My prayers go out to you every night, but prayers alone will not stop the Bushite Coup.

There are tens of millions of people in jobs that no longer provide economic security or ability to secure a stable financial future for their family. Millions have mortgages they can not pay if interest rates rise. Bankruptcies are at all time highs with foreclosures on homes rampant across the country. Small subsistence farming is a thing of the past. Manufacturing jobs are leaving the country like rats fleeing a sinking ship. These are oppressed Americans capable of stopping the Bushite Coup in its tracks. These people are us. You are not alone, you are with the rest of us.

We are all in the same sinking boat. There is nothing to be ashamed of for being where we are. Our elected representatives forced these conditions upon us. They are wealthy elites who never worked a day in their lives. Bushites don’t know what it means to need that next paycheck to pay the rent, feed the baby or pay hospital bills. They don’t know the emotional tearing strains they put on young marriages or any marriage and don’t give a damn as long as their stock portfolios grow.

All of us heard Bushites tell how many more high paying jobs we were going to get with each new international treaty. We lost jobs and income each time. We hear them lying to us now about their illegal alien invasion, telling us it is good for the economy, and how they only take jobs we are too lazy to do, while we are forced to work for temporary agencies without benefits for less and less pay.

Now they lie and expect us to believe the new Security Prosperity Partnership act is going to create jobs and a better quality of life for us. They expect us to believe when they let illegal alien Mexican freeloaders and their families get social security only after 18 months of work, it will benefit us. The Bushite Coup gives them free medical care while we go without, in a country ranked 38th in health care by the World Health Organization. America is ranked near last in quality of care and near highest in costs. How long can American people listen to the lies and accept the shit storm that always follows?

Money and wealth may buy power, but it can never buy courage, inspiration, motivation, integrity, character or resolve. Those things make up what we call “class.” It is a state of refinement arising from what our parents teach us and those things in life we choose to accept as guides for the way we live. It is what makes us proud of who we are and what we are. Class can not be bought with money. Bushites prove that time and time again.

“Class” is demonstrated each time one of us drags out of bed and goes to a job that holds us as economic slaves under the thumb of some corporate jerk who makes us sing the company song and clap before we started unloading boxes for minimum wage. We do it because we must.

It doesn’t take courage to live the life of a Bushite Coup Elite. They suffer like Nancy Pelosi did when she didn’t get the big jet for her weekend jaunts. They may throw a hissy fit because trim on the state dinner ware is the wrong color, or someone failed to recognize and brag on their new $2,000 dress but they never have to worry about the next meal or where they are going to live.

They can not lead a democratic country because they lack any concept of what it means to live in one. Their world is one of privilege and special financial rewards. They don’t have to fight and die in the wars they send us to. Those who may have experienced pains of living under oppressive tyranny of a government that ignores citizens seem to have long forgotten what its like to be one of us and ignore us just like the other elites they have joined.

We can’t let these conditions continue. We have the power to change it and we must use it. Boycott any and every company that has anything to do with illegal immigration. Refuse to go to Taco Bell or other restaurants that hire illegals. Refuse to buy anything with a made in Mexico label. Demand store managers tell you if their employees are legal or not. Ask to see their health department certificates. If you don’t get the right answer don’t eat there. Illegal aliens are now circulating rumors they are responsible for food outbreaks of salmonella. It is stupid to risk your health and eat or buy food where they may have been employed.

Put another “No Amnesty” sticker on your car if you have to make it yourself. Make a call at least once a week to your Mayor’s office demanding they take immediate action to get illegals out of your town. Fly the American flag at your home everyday. Put an American flag on your car. The next time there is a protest, for America show up with your flag.

You are the leader you have been waiting to lead you out of this. The sooner you take action, the sooner we will have people who will want to be our elected representatives that will end the nightmare of the Bushite Coup.

They can demonstrate it by assuring us special prosecutors will be assigned to investigate the Bushite Coup and see full penalty of law is applied for all elected officials who conspired to take our national sovereignty by illegal alien invasion. You are the leader, you must lead by example. Writing letters is not enough.

If we don’t stop it now, we will more than likely be in the position of taking sides in the streets with guns as is done in most revolutionary government takeovers. It is a lot easier to do it with the vote than it is the gun. Lead while you still have a chance. Show them our class.

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