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November 10, 2005

California in Crisis - The Aftermath
Mark Dias

What do California and France have in common? They are both clueless? And sooner or later, they will both implode.

In 1972, the release of the Poseidon Adventure was the big hit of the new summer blockbusters. In the movie, the cruise ship Poseidon began to sink while Maureen McGovern began to sing:

There's got to be a morning after
If we can hold on thru the night
We have a chance to find the sunshine
Let's keep on looking for the light.

France is in its 12th day of riots, and the violence has spread into more than 10 major cities throughout the country. These riots are caused by what the media terms as “the disenfranchised Muslim youth.� A pundit on Fox News said the French were “baffled� as to why this was happening. Chirac responds by saying he will look in the underlying cause of these riots. Words like, “affirmative action�, “more social services� are heard proving once again Chirac completely misses the point on what the root of the problem is. Chirac was clueless in the war on terror, and he remains clueless on the ills of his own society.

Islam is a society whose dictums teach that the West is comprised of infidels only to be converted or killed. Disenfranchised Muslim youths gravitate to the Imans who preach only hatred and violence towards the West. These Muslims, although French Citizens, do not consider themselves French. In the United States, the influx of illegal immigration is mostly Mexican, but they worship the same God, and their culture is somewhat analogous to that of the United States. Muslim society, on the other hand, is so disparate from French culture, assimilation is an impossibility. Affirmative action and more social programs such as free housing and healthcare for the unemployed will not help the current crisis in France. The Muslim population increases at a geometric rate because of the continued immigration from Northern Africa coupled with a higher birth rate compared to that of the non-Muslim French citizen. Chirac’s answer-more social programs. This is his response to the current crisis in France, in a stagnant economy, where the unemployment exceeds 20% among French youth and in a society where there are no jobs. In order to support the massive social programs, the French government must also impose prohibitive taxes.

In my estimation, these riots will not wake France up just like 9/11 did not wake up the United States. France will continue to be in denial. This is a problem that was created solely by the French. As in the United States, if you are against illegal immigration flowing across the borders, you are labeled a racist by the liberal elite. The United States currently spends 35.9% of its gross national product on social services; France spends 54.5%, but the US’s economy remains vibrant and growing (growing at 3.8%) while France’s economy remains severely depressed and stagnant (limping along at barely 1%). Is there any question where Al-Queda will get new recruits?

In the same vein as France, California is also on its way to self-destruction. Spurred on by conservative talk-radio station, KSFO, the impotent governor Davis was recalled, and Governor Schwarzenegger was swept into power. Schwarzenegger said if he could not work with the legislature, he would go to the people. Davis was ousted because he was an inept politician, and the November 8th election was theoretically the answer to keep the ship “California� from sinking. In the Poseidon Adventure, the survivors try to get to the hull of the ship, before everyone drowns. The ship, “California� is sinking as a direct result from the inaction of the Democratic legislature to stop the bleeding from California’s treasury. Maureen McGovern sings, “There has got to be a morning after�. But, with the Democrats governing California, it is scary what this morning after will look like.

California’s electorate is summed up in one word, “stupid�. This was confirmed on November the 8th. The initiatives of Schwarzenegger, on the November 8th ballot, were so straight-forward and common-sense to the intelligent thinker; they were to begin the process of plugging up the holes in the ship, “California.� I was wrong in my last posting when I quoted the amount on California’s debt. I said it was 37 billion dollars. That was the amount at the time of the recall. It is now 50 billion dollars. The state spending initiative, proposition 76 should have been called, “Vote No, or higher taxes are coming.� The Democrats will certainly read more into this, and declare they have a mandate to increase taxes. Intelligent thinkers and businesses will soon be voting with their feet. The only ones remaining in the state will be Barbra Streisand and the illegal immigrants. Barbra will continue to remain in her seaside mansion, and the illegal immigrants will continue to seek out some sinecure position at sub par wages. Everyone else will have left because taxes will have reached the stratosphere.

Liberals are always caterwauling on how they don’t want the government in our lives, but they have given the government the power to allow minor girls to run down to Planned Parenthood and kill their baby in their womb without parental consent. The liberal lie is “Proposition 73, the initiative on parental notification will dismantled Roe v. Wade.� But, this proposition has nothing to do with Roe v Wade. This has to do with Parental authority. We are liable if our minor child commits a crime, but yet the government takes our authority away when it comes to making the most important decision in her life, that of whether or not to kill the child in her womb.

The unions and the Teacher’s unions continue to hold on to their power. They outspent Schwarzenegger two to one. The credulous electorate comprised mainly of doltish liberals who gets its daily news from 30 second intermission of nightly sitcoms go to the polls to make sure the “no� vote counts. If you are a union member, you have no say in how your money is used. And, as parents we still have to put up with bad performance of teachers.

The one mistake of Schwarzenegger was waiting too long. He waited for the nadir of his term as Governor. This is always a mistake. Like Bush, he tries to work with Democrats. You cannot work with Democrats. Republicans try and work with Democrats, and the Democrats squash them every time. This is always the case. Republicans need to learn to fight down and dirty just as the Democrats do. Conservative Principles are worth fighting for. This election should have been held when Schwarzenegger’s popularity was high, not at his lowest point.

Schwarzenegger is walking around now with both hands tied behind his back. If I were him, I would clean out my office and throw in the towel. Why would anyone want to continue to try and work with this inane legislature, and with an inept electorate? California like France is sinking, and with the liberals in power, the ship “California� will continue to sink. Like the ship “Poseidon�, we are left to wonder if the survivors of this ship will be able to reach the hull in time before the entire ocean liner sinks. I for one have my doubts