Congressional campaign issues: In their words

Published: Sunday, October 19, 2008 5:25 AM EDT

Chris Hackett

Discussions about immigration should begin with an acknowledgement of America’s great immigrant tradition. Generations have come to our shores seeking freedom and opportunity. The vast majority of those immigrants have worked hard, adapted to our customs, and lived the American Dream. As the grandson of Irish immigrants, I personally share in, and am grateful for this wonderful immigrant heritage.

The tremendously important difference between the past waves of immigration and much of the current wave, however, is that most of those who came in previous generations did so legally and with full documentation. Today, millions arrive illegally, without approval, and with no way for us to know why they are here or what they are doing. In a nation of laws, not to mention one at war with international terrorism, this is a dangerously unacceptable situation.

The problem has to be addressed at its root source, namely our porous border with Mexico. Securing our border is the essential first step. Washington politicians have been talking about this for years, but that’s the problem – it’s mostly just talk. We have to have a real commitment in terms of border guard personnel, high tech fencing and tracking equipment, and the funding to get the job done.

The next issue is what to do about the millions of illegals already in the country. Here again, the Washington politicians are out-of-touch. I will oppose any effort to grant amnesty to those who broke the law in order to get here. It’s just wrong to reward law breaking, and it sends a signal that encourages even more illegal immigration.

No nation is truly sovereign if it does not control its own borders. I will support vigorous security measures to stop the flow of illegal immigration at the border. I will oppose every attempt to grant amnesty and a preferential path to citizenship for those who are here illegally. I will oppose taxpayer-paid benefits for illegals. And I will support making English our nation’s official language.

I believe in a system of “high fences, and wide gates.â€