6TH ANNUAL MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE AND FESTIVAL Sat., Sept. 17. Parade route begins on 11th street and ends at the Texas State Capitol, 940-4493.

MARCH AGAINST THE MINUTEMEN, RALLY FOR A DREAM UT Longhorn League of United Latin American Citizens Council, Jóvenes Inmigrantes por un Futuro Mejor de UT Austin, CIME, TCJC's University Leadership Initiative, and grass roots groups from across Texas mobilize in response to the arrival of the Minutemen, a volunteer militia devoted to sealing the U.S. borders, in Texas. Sat., Sept. 17, 4pm-7pm. Gather at Riverside & Congress, march to the Capitol, 956/206-5853.

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Notice how they are both at the State Capitol? One is for celebrating Mexican Independence and the other is opposing the minutemen. I guess many the same people will be involved in both.

By the way, ALEX JONES will be at the Capitol on Saturday Sept 16 2005 at 3:30 pm between 11th street by the capitol gates to counter protest. He will be there with his Bullhorn and having a ball. Hope those in Texas that support the MM can join him.