Provo event: Jacob and Noorlander, Cannon's political rivals, call for tougher policies

PROVO - What was billed as a discussion on immigration led by former presidential candidate Alan Keyes turned into a noisy rally for candidates trying to unseat 3rd Congressional District incumbent Chris Cannon.

After a film on border problems in Cochise County, Ariz., Republican John Jacob and Constitution Party candidate Jim Noorlander were cheered for their calls for tougher policies on immigration.

Cannon was invited to the event, but declined, saying he was needed in Washington, an announcement that drew laughter from the crowd of about 300.

Jacob acknowledged President Bush's endorsement Tuesday of Cannon was "daunting." But said, it is an indication that Utah voters are in a rare situation to affect national policy. "Immigration reform is beyond Chris Cannon and John Jacob and if we don't fix it, we won't have an America," the Eagle Mountain businessman said. "Let's send Washington, D.C., a mandate that we want change. If you want change, vote for me."

Noorlander said, ''Both national parties are pandering to the Latino votes because of the social welfare programs,'' and ultimately want to merge the nations of North America, "It will be the downfall of this country.''

Keyes brought fire and brimstone to the Provo crowd, but this night, the religion was halting illegal immigration.

Hosted by Eagle Forum, Renew America and Minuteman political action groups, Keyes' message resonated with a crowd making its mind up on who will represent them in the 3rd Congressional District, which begins in Salt Lake County and sprawls southward through Provo and terminates in Beaver County.

"This is a situation that in one way or another affects the future of the republic," Keyes said. Still, Keyes refused to endorse a candidate in Tuesday's primary. "I'm not here to get involved in politics. I leave it to the good judgment of the people."

But he was clearly skeptical of incumbents, saying that in the past 20 years, leadership in Washington has shown "incompetence, neglect and willful disregard" of the immigration problem.

"You better let them know they better shape up or we will kick them out. You need to pick a choice few and kick them out," he said.

Keyes called the Minuteman organization a perfect example of self-rule and chastised the federal government for labeling the anti-immigration group as vigilantes. He suggested the Minuteman be made official auxiliaries to the Border Patrol.

In Salt Lake County offices, about 40 people gathered at a Utah Minuteman Project/Federation for American Immigration Reform-sponsored rally against illegal immigration. Cannon's opponent, Jacob, told the group that it has the opportunity to "send a mandate to Washington, D.C."

It is exciting to have President Bush and the first lady endorsing his opponent, Jacob said, but "no matter how powerful he is, he doesn't vote in the 3rd District."