NAFTA Superhighway System isn’t good for United States

Judy Stahl; Valley City, The Jamestown Sun
Published Tuesday, December 04, 2007

It’s time to repeal the North American Free Trade Agreement! The aim of ongoing talks between President Bush and Mexican and Canadian leaders is to build a North American union bureaucracy like the European Union, further eroding our sovereignty and constitutional rights.

A NAFTA Superhighway System would link Mexico and Canada, bringing more Chinese and Indian goods into the U.S. via Mexican ports. Mexican truckers and longshoremen would replace Americans. Imagine the increase in drug smuggling, terrorists, uninsured Mexican truckers and illegal immigrants entering the U.S. with the first checkpoint being Kansas City! This 10-lane highway plus rail, oil and gas lines would seize thousands of acres of private property by eminent domain.

According to Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, “The ultimate goal is not simply a superhighway, but an integrated North American Union — complete with a currency (the amero), a cross-national bureaucracy and virtually borderless travel within the Union … It sounds like a recipe for transnational socialism and the further destruction of the U.S. economy. Terrorists surely dream of a borderless North America. ... We must demand that American sovereignty be protected.â€