Radio host wants to 'hold their feet to the fire'

San Diego conservative talk radio host Roger Hedgecock is back in Washington for his 12th “Hold Their Feet to the Fire” radio blitz against illegal immigration, joined by a contingent of local fans, other talk-radio hosts from around the country and anti-illegal immigration activists.

Jimmy Valentine, the producer of the show on KOGO/AM 600, said about 175 San Diego supporters traveled to the nation's capital at their own expense to join Hedgecock as he broadcasts and to voice their opinions on air.

Organizers of the four-day talk-show marathon said 35 radio hosts would participate. Fans will be grouped into lobbying teams to visit members of Congress.

“We're looking for three things,” Valentine said. “Secure borders, no blanket amnesty, and to defend those who defend us.” ... riefs.html

Gee dont give us much coverage.