The greatest national security scandal

Adam Graham
February 26, 2006

I'm glad that our liberal friends, as well as many Conservatives have raised concerns about giving a United Arab Emirates State Owned Company control of Hiring at several US Ports. The understanding that we cannot take a gamble on the goodwill of a country with ties to 9/11 without further investigation is common sense. Now, that you're paying attention, I have a news of more shocking scandal.

Suppose, for a moment there were people in this country who we had no idea what they were doing. They could be planning to blow up federal buildings or just going to Washington State to pick apples. Suppose, there were millions of these people and we didn't know whether they're friendly or our enemies and they were scattered across the face of our nation. In a post 9/11 world, I could imagine no greater security threat.

We don't have to imagine this is the case, because it is. Countless thousands stream across the border. Some are criminals, some are terrorists, some have come to take advantage of our generous social services, and most are relatively harmless, albeit desperate people wanting work. You'll hear various estimates of the exact number which range from 10 million-15 million, but the estimates are meaningless. We're in such bad shape that we don't know what we don't know.

Bush proposes a Guest Worker program to solve the problem of illegal immigration, but misses the point. Such a program would be offered from our government's own weakness. Why go through what's guaranteed to be a complicated rigmarole to stay in American for a limited number of years when you can stay in the nation tax free indefinitely due to the nation's lax border enforcement?

Although, the Bush plan promises tougher enforcement against companies that hire illegals after the passage of a Guest Worker program, we've heard it before and the point is unconvincing. We must first see some serious action on the state of illegal immigration, before any guest worker program can be considered. Without such action, those who've broken our nation's laws through illegal entry will continue to break them after a sign of weakness from this administration.

When presented the problem of Illegal Immigration, the American people had simple solutions. According to a RoperASW poll, 67% want Illegal Immigration brought to a level near zero. To do this, 78% of the American people back "Mandatory detention and forfeiture of property, followed by deportation, for anyone here illegally" 87% believe that the government should strictly enforce laws punishing employers who hire illegal immigrants. The government enforcing the law? What a novel concept!

If Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and other politicians can oppose the Dubai Port deal without being labeled racist, then it is time for the vast majority of the American people to be unafraid to speak about a greater national security crisis. Our concerns are not based on racism, but common sense. It is a fool who believes our nation can have unchecked, unregulated immigration with anyone who wants to streaming across our Northern and Southern borders. Its time to call posturing pols on the carpet. If port security is important, what about border security?

85% of Americans believe illegal immigration is a serious problem, but Congress doesn't. Politicians of both parties play petty posturing games to please special interests rather than addressing a most dangerous situation. Talk about a scandal.

Adam Graham was Montana State Coordinator for the Alan Keyes campaign in 2000, and in 2004 was a candidate for the Republican nomination for the Idaho State House. He and his wife live in Garden City, Idaho. Graham writes about U.S. and Idaho politics on his blog at You can subscribe to his nightly podcast at