The New York Times
November 9, 2007
Republicans in Congress Propose Bills on Licenses

WASHINGTON, Nov. 8 — House Republicans have begun to push bills opposing the plan of Gov. Eliot Spitzer of New York to grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, seeking to step up the pressure on Mr. Spitzer’s fellow Democrats in Congress, who are increasingly concerned that the issue may become a liability in next year’s election.

The most far-reaching measure is being sponsored by Representative Peter T. King of Long Island, the ranking Republican on the House’s Homeland Security Committee. It would prohibit New York and other states from issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.

In an interview, Mr. King said that the Spitzer plan would raise national security concerns and grant a privilege to illegal immigrants as federal authorities are trying to stem illegal immigration. He said he plans to introduce the measure next week and circulate it among members of both parties to build support.

Mr. Spitzer had initially proposed a blanket program that would allow illegal immigrants to apply for full-fledged driver’s licenses. But after coming under fire, he backed off and proposed a three-tier system that would provide government-issued identification for illegal immigrants that would allow them to drive legally, but could not be used to board planes or cross borders.

Christine Anderson, a spokeswoman for Mr. Spitzer, chastised the Republican efforts on Thursday, and said that the governor was trying to fill a void created by the federal government’s failure to enact new immigration policies to deal with the millions of people who have entered the country illegally.

“Congress and the president should spend their time fixing the failed national immigration policy, instead of preventing states from dealing practically with a very real security concern placed on their doorsteps because of the federal government’s failure,â€