I wanted to post a report on the Rally that was held last night in Atlanta. Local radio talkshow host Chris Krok.

I got to the rally a few minutes late due to Atlanta traffic. When I arrived there were between 250-300 protesters there. This is an estimate on my part. Later I did do an actual headcount and by my count there were around 275. My numbers may be a little low though since I was trying to be very carefull not to count anyone twice as I was moving around and so was the crowd.

The rally was broadcast live on a special airing of Krok's show. So there were thousand of participants over the radio and not just those who drove to the rally. While I was there hundreds of people who were driving by honked and waved their support.

The crowd was great, they were very loud, and very willing to express themselves. Krok led the crowd in numerous chants, boos, and cheers, while conducting his show and interviewing people in the group with personal experiences related to illegal immigration. I got a couple of chants started with "Build the Fence" and "We're mad and we vote".

I tried to call Saxby Chambliss' voicemail while I was there but the good senator had apparently turned off his voicemail system. Everyone who tried to call got a generic recording saying that the mailbox was full. This is something that is very troubling to me. Obviously the mailbox would not be full if anyone was managing it.

There were counter-demonstrators accross the street from ours. They had a few signs expressing support for the bill and the usaul "No person is illegal" type stuff. I have always found that statement to be ridiculous.

I missed the best part of the rally, which was when it was announced that the cloture vote had failed. I was on my way home at that point and I was listening to the rally on the radio. The crowd cheered and chanted and was energized by the news. The rally ended at 9:00PM about a half hour after the cloture vote.

I expect that there will be additional rallies in the near future since Kennedy, Reid, and Spector all have made statements that the bill is not dead. They intend to resubmit it and will probably try to get a midnight vote organized. So, we need to keep up the pressure.

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