The Fast And The Spurious V: Holder’s Last Stand

December 22, 2011
by Ben Crystal

Attorney General Eric Holder played the race card.

Ralph Waldo Emerson called “foolish consistency… the hobgoblin of little minds.” I somehow doubt the sage of transcendentalism considered just how apropos that remark would be more than a century later, but I expect he would be fairly surprised that the United States had grown to such prodigious strength. I am sure he would be aghast that we squandered much of that strength on a series of profligate executive spendthrifts, culminating in a Presidential Administration which has only two evident talents: failure and racist excuse-making.

During Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, the specious charge of racism was deployed by the Democratic machine in response to any criticism of their beloved community activist, replacing the so-called “vast, right-wing conspiracy” with which they marginalized dissent during the Administration of President Bill Clinton. When Americans were introduced to the abominable “Reverend” Jeremiah Wright — a man so consumed by his own racist rantings that he makes the usual parasites like “Reverend” Al Sharpton and “Reverend” Jesse Jackson look like the Dalai Lama by comparison — the corporate media dutifully ignored the fact that Obama had somehow managed to spend two decades in Wright’s pews without noticing that Wright’s moral compass pointed in only one direction. By the time Newsweek mouthpiece Jonathan Alter infamously claimed only racism could prevent an Obama Presidency, the strategy was pathetically consistent: against any opposition to Obama, play the race card.

So it should come as no surprise that last Sunday, embattled Attorney General Eric Holder told the sad remnant of the once-mighty New York Times that the calls for his resignation in the wake of Operation Fast and Furious are (brace yourself) racist:

This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him… both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American.

Unfortunately for the Attorney General, his race card expired the day Agent Brian Terry was murdered by a narcoterrorist, who was armed by OFF, the failed gunwalking operation about which Holder has repeatedly lied to Congress. In the previous installments of what has become a series of columns on OFF, I have laid bare the details of OFF and Holder’s involvement therein in the sort of detail normally reserved for Playboy and Golf Digest (those “perfect swing” foldouts are pornographic). Instead of belaboring those well-established facts regarding Holder’s handling of the OFF scandal, let’s examine the statement above.

Faced with skyrocketing pressure to either resign or face career-ending consequences for either breathtaking incompetence or deliberate malfeasance in the wake of OFF, Holder is doubling down in the other direction. What Holder missed in speciously linking racism to entirely justified calls for his ouster is the fact that his relationship with the President is under scrutiny — as well it should be. Furthermore, that scrutiny is unrelated to race and is instead related to valid questions about whether Obama knew about OFF, whether he knew Holder would lie to Congress about it and whether he plans to address the fallout meaningfully. A major scandal involving taxpayer dollars funding murderous narcoterrorists and an executive response which included potential perjury and spectacular arrogance doesn’t require a racial aspect. OFF was — and it remains — an unmitigated disaster. In claiming that people think he bears responsibility for it because he’s an African-American, Holder has predictably played the race card. Again.

I’ll say this for Holder, Obama and the rest of the liberal vermin who buttress their assault on our national dignity: At least they’re consistent.

–Ben Crystal