
Lancaster defends illegal immigrant policy
Submitted by bniolet on December 4, 2007 - 11:29am.

Martin Lancaster, president of the state Community College System, defended a policy requiring the state's 58 campuses to admit illegal immigrants to class.

"It is not only the right law and policy, but it is the right thing to do," Lancaster said in a written statement released today.

Lancaster, who is retiring next year, said he asked the system's top lawyer to review the policy on illegal immigrants. Previously, colleges had the right to admit or deny undocumented students.

Lancaster said the colleges have operated under an open-door policy since the system's inception.

Lancaster listed several points that he said have been overlooked.

1. The vast majority of students wanting to enroll were brought to the U.S. as young children by their parents and should not be punished for their parents' choices.

2. Each of the students had the right to receive a free public education through high school. "The perverse thing about the position many would have us take is that parents can strap a one year old child on their backs as they cross the Rio Grande and six months later have a second child and the two children would be treated very differently," Lancaster said.

3. Undocumented immigrants pay more than in-state students. And they do not qualify for any state or federal loans or grants. "This $10,000-plus expense is beyond the means of almost any undocumented immigrant who might wish to enroll," Lancaster said.

4. Every wave of immigrants in the nation's history faced prejudice whether they came legally or illegally. "We are a nation of immigrants and if one reviews the names of those who have called or e-mailed the System Office in opposition to our open door policy, one must conclude that fifty or a hundred years ago, their grandparents or great grandparents faced the same opposition that they are now voicing," Lancaster said.

5. Unless the federal government reforms immigration policy, it is unlikely that the students will ever return home. Illegal immigrants are currently working in nearly every field. "Do we want these workers to be knowledge workers or ignorant workers?"

6. Many European countries are experience more significant violent, destructive and terrorist activity by immigrants who have for years been denied basic rights and services. North Carolina and the U.S. faces that same future if it refuses to educate immigrants and make them productive members of society.

The Dome awaits your responses to Lancaster's comments.
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