Lou Dobbs Tonight
Friday, May 4, 2007

Tonight, a national monument is the latest piece of America to be sold out to Communist China. A new memorial of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King will be made from granite from China, by an artist from China. We’ll have another shocking report at the outrageous costs associated with building a granite monument in Communist China instead of the United States.

More than 60,000 bibs were recalled because of dangerously high lead counts. The toxic bibs made in Communist China were only discovered when a vigilant grandmother tested the bibs with a home lead test kit. We’ll report on the U.S. government’s continued failure to stop dangerous products making their way to U.S. consumers.

We’ll also wrap up the trial of Chi Mak, the naturalized American citizen and electrical engineer charged with conspiring to smuggle American Navy secrets to China. In his testimony this week, Mak has denied any contact with the Communist Chinese military and intelligence service.

Proposed legislation would structure America’s immigration system much like countries in the European Union, Canada and Australia. Senator Chuck Hagel has proposed legislation that would structure U.S. immigration on a point based system. Applicants would gain points based on what they can contribute to the U.S. economy, for instance if they can speak English or fulfill jobs needed in America. Applicants who score between 65-67 points would be eligible candidates for citizenship. Sen. Kennedy and other Democrats oppose this idea. Whose side will win out?

The War Within: A program in Brooklyn takes career criminals with drug problems and cleans them up. Tonight we profile a woman named Norma who was a teenager hooked on heroin that committed crimes to support her habit and landed in Rikers Island. Once the county got her clean, she stopped the crime life, now holds a good job, has a daughter and owns a house in Brooklyn.