Web Posted: 05/01/2009 9:38 CDT
S.A. marchers call for immigration reform
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By Elaine Ayala - Express-News

About 300 people gathered at Milam Park tonight to march in support of immigration reform, while similar marches took place in other cities across the nation.

In New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and other cities, people took to the streets in May Day marches in support of reform.

President Obama reiterated his promise Wednesday to tackle the contentious topic.

Though immigration reform failed in 2007, it is likely to look a lot like it did then. It likely will include a guest worker program, strengthened border security, family reunification, the Dream Act (which would allow college-going immigrants to earn legal status) and, in its most divisive measure, legalization of an estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants.

Opponents call that amnesty. Supporters say it's putting immigrants on a path toward citizenship. Both are geared for a fight.

In Milam Park today, people chanted in English and Spanish in support of reform. They listened to representatives from an array of social justice and civil rights groups, then marched down Houston Street, past the Alamo and back to Main Plaza.

Holding signs that read, “Mr. President, don't forget your promisesâ€