Out of hand

Re: "Immigration – a moral issue," Friday guest column.

The immigration problem is quickly getting out of hand here in Irving. I love my town with all of my heart because of what Irving used to represent. It was a close community of blue-collar people who worked hard for a living.

I am a former Nimitz High School football player (class of 2003). Playing football taught me many lessons about life, including that nothing is ever given to you; instead you must earn it. We learned that you must never give up, and that no matter how small you are, you must hit the other guy as hard as you can with reckless abandon because we didn't have the athletic prowess, capabilities and funding of Southlake High School.

Since then, I have heard the school has gone downhill mainly because of the increasing number of immigrants that have no discipline and threaten students and teachers. Many people I know quite closely have moved away because it has become so bad, which only makes things worse by giving immigrants another place to live with about 10 to 20 people per house. This crowds our streets with excess cars and absolutely destroys childhood memories I had of my house and what it once looked like.

I fear that soon there may be a civil war due to tensions mounting on both sides. Violence is the last thing we need in our city. I have a little brother I don't want to get mixed up in this.

What can we realistically do to stop the incoming flow and get rid of those who are here? Is there anything we as community members can do individually? Thank you for your column.

Chris Leffel, Irving

Lighten our load

Please take the necessary steps to close our borders. We don't need the extra hardship on taxpaying, upstanding, responsible citizens that the illegal immigrants cause. We need this now.

Tana McClendon, Irving