Research - Legal Issues
Alternatives to Amnesty: Proposals for Fair and Effective Immigration Reform
by Edwin Meese III, James Jay Carafano, Ph.D., Matthew Spalding, Ph.D., and Paul Rosenzweig
Backgrounder #1858

June 2, 2005

For the sake of national security, the rule of law, and responsible immigration policy, Congress and the President must take credible steps to reduce the numテつ*ber of individuals who are unlawfully present in the United States. Immigration reform must not encourテつ*age or exacerbate this problem.

In particular, any new initiative must not grant perテつ*mission, as a matter of principle or policy, for unlawテつ*fully present persons to remain legally in the country. Such a program would undermine the credibility of efforts not only to control Americaテ「竄ャ邃「s borders, but also to advance reasonable legal immigration reform.

A better alternative would be for policymakers to establish a comprehensive solution that fosters betテつ*ter national security, a growing economy, and a strong civil society. Part of this solution should be a realistic and reasonable program to assist unlawfully present individuals in returning to their countries of origin before applying for legal reentry to the United States.

Why We Care

Estimates of the number of undocumented foreign workers in the United States vary widely.

In March 2005, a Pew Hispanic Center report estimated the number of currently undocuテつ*mented U.S. residents at nearly 11 million, based on extrapolations of data from the U.S. Census Bureauテ「竄ャ邃「s 2004 Current Population Survey and estimates that annual net growth of unauthorized migrants has averaged about 500,000 since 1990. Of the 11 million total, over 7 million were undocumented workers.[1]
The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that 13 million illegal immiテつ*grants live in the United States, which transテつ*lates into approximately 9 million unlawful foreign workers.[2]
A widely cited (and challenged) estimate by a senior managing director at Bear Stearns calcuテつ*lates that as many as 20 million illegal immiテつ*grants could now reside in the United States. If correct, this figure implies that as many as 15 million undocumented workers could be employed here.[3]

There are no signs that the overall trends of illeテつ*gal entry and unlawful presence in the United States will change any time soon. As long as the economies of nations on or near our borders do not provide sufficient jobs to keep up with their popuテつ*lation growth, their citizens will look elsewhere and seek to cross our border in search of work.

According to a Pew Hispanic Center study in 2003, individuals working in the United States sent almost $30 billion to their families in Latin America and the Caribbean.[4] As the single largest form of direct foreign investment in the region, in many cases providing families with essential goods and services such as food and rent, remittances have become the economic engine of Latin Amerテつ*ica. Figures do not make distinctions between the sources of remittances, but contributions from undocumented workers are undoubtedly signifiテつ*cant.[5] As long as the unprecedented economic importance of remittances remains, individuals will seek access to the United States labor market by legal or illegal means.

Opportunities for undocumented workers in the United States encourage thousands to enter the United States illegally each month. At legal points of entry, such as seaports, airports, and established border crossings, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has implemented and is improving mechanisms for screening people and cargo to idenテつ*tify legitimate security threats, including terrorists, transnational criminals, and illicit cargo. However, many cross into the country at places other than the established points of entry, and the DHS cannot easテつ*ily distinguish national security threats from other criminal activities along the territory and coastline between the legal points of entry.

The wave of illegal entry along this vast expanse significantly exacerbates the challenge of border security. Additionally, illegal border crossings put lives and property at risk for the individuals crossテつ*ing, for those enforcing the law, and for local comテつ*munities. In some areas, crime, property damage, and the risk of death from austere environmental conditions or reckless acts are becoming endemic. All of these factors force the DHS to deploy ever-greater resources to the point at which they are arguably less effective in achieving the departmentテ「竄ャ邃「s primary purposeテ「竄ャ窶