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Sen. Barron urges CAFTA opposition
By Mazie Aldrich
The Daily Sentinel

Published July 11, 2005
In recent days Senator Lowell Barron has written letters to Congressman Bud Cramer and Robert Aderholt urging the congressmen to vote against the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Barron is urging others to do the same.

“We already have too many people looking for work or fearing the loss of their jobs, while our once thriving textile factories sit empty and ghostlike,� Barron said. “We can’t afford to allow more of our jobs to be shipped offshore and the low priced goods shipped back to our markets. Our industries can’t compete with the unfair advantage given to foreign goods.�

The legislation was approved in the U.S. Senate before the Fourth of July, and sent to the House.

Barron said if approved the legislation would open the door for easier trade with Central American countries.

Barron said he urges area residents to contact Congressman Cramer and express their opposition to CAFTA.

“We must let Congress know that we expect them to protect our residents, industries and jobs,� Barron said.

Letters may be sent to Congressman Cramer at 2368 Rayburn Building, Washington DC 20515.