September 07, 2007
Illegal immigration

It may come as a surprise to The Star, but according to most polls, Frances Semler’s opinions on illegal immigration are not controversial or radical. They are in line with current law. To stop criminals (i.e. illegal immigrants) when attempting to commit a crime (crossing our border) is an honorable endeavor.

The Star’s treatment of Ms. Semler is akin to her being some radical racist simply because she advocates enforcement of our laws. What I have not seen is The Star or the Editorial Board argue against Ms. Semler’s opinions. To do that, The Star would have to advocate the breaking of current laws. What laws would The Star advocate we ignore next?

Personally, I applaud Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser for standing up for the rights of people like Ms. Semler to voice true and valid ideas as to how to protect our country. What I disdain is The Star’s and La Raza’s effort to silence and demonize those they cannot defeat in the arena of ideas.

David S. Salavitch
Lee’s Summit

I read that La Raza is threatening to back out of a planned 2009 Kansas City convention because of park board member Frances Semler’s affiliation with the Minutemen organization.

Since when does an organization booking a convention in Kansas City dictate whom we can or cannot have in our local government?

I would have thought the La Raza organization would embrace freedom of choice and speech, since it openly uses both to obtain its objective to legalize illegal immigrants now in our country.

If Kansas City caves in to this demand, as City Council member Beth Gottstein and others have recommended, for the sake of keeping a convention, I would ask them: How much freedom have we sold, and was it worth the price? This is a slippery slope that once started is difficult to control.

Contact Mayor Mark Funkhouser and tell him that our freedom is not for sale. He should retain Frances Semler on the city’s park board.

H.D. Roy
Kansas City

80% of the American people want an end to anarchy!

Illegal workers are criminals, those who hire them are criminals and those who aid-and-abet them are criminals.

Illegal aliens in America have NO rights. We are required to arrest and prosecute, deport them.

No, matter your political party affiliation, and setting aside your thoughts on issues. We all need to remember what it is to be an American Citizen. We need to make sure our elected representatives obey their Oath of Office and keep their Oath of Allegiance.

See Know whom you are voting for.

Posted by: Dr Coles | Sep 8, 2007 8:36:20 AM