Jul 1, 2010 1:45 pm US/Central

Deported Immigrant Activist's Son Comes To Chicago


Activists in Chicago are ramping up efforts for immigration reform, calling for a moratorium on deportations.

That includes the 10-year-old U.S. citizen son of the deported immigration activist Elvira Arellano.

Saul Arellano was scheduled to arrive in Chicago on Thursday afternoon to spend the summer with family friends.

His mother was an illegal immigrant who was deported to Mexico in 2007 after seeking sanctuary at a Chicago church for a year.

Other activists, including pastors, have gone on hunger strikes in their call for reform.

Efforts at legislation have stalled. On Thursday, President Barack Obama blamed the gridlock on what he calls political posturing and special interest wrangling.

http://cbs2chicago.com/local/Deported.i ... 83462.html