Dear Steve:

My apologies for clogging your mailbox this week, but as you know, we only impose upon you when there is something really important that deserves your attention.

Last month, when Majority Leader Harry Reid was trying to push the Bush-Kennedy amnesty bill to a quick vote before the Memorial Day recess, I asked you to make telephone calls to Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

And, within a few hours of our telephone barrage to his Washington and in-state offices, he marched onto the Senate floor where he demanded and got a two week extension.

Today and/or next Monday, I am asking you to call Sen. McConnell again, this time urging him to lead Senate Republicans away from this terrible amnesty bill by announcing that he cannot support the cloture* vote to restart debate on the revised and expanded Bush-Kennedy amnesty S.1639.

As Minority Leader, Senator McConnell carries a lot of weight among Senate Republicans. While it will be difficult for him to make such a choice, you need to tell him that the fate of the Republican party hangs in the balance. For the good of his party and for his country, HE MUST VOTE NO ON CLOTURE!

This, of course, will severely cripple, if not totally kill the Bush-Kennedy Amnesty and, hopefully, open the door for serious debate on an enforcement only measure such as the King-Smith Secure Borders First Act of 2007.

All you need to do is simply call the Minority Leader's telephone number (202-224-3135) and ask to speak to Senator McConnell.

When you are asked by a staffer what you are calling about, you need to tell them you want thank the Majority Leader for extending the debate on the Bush-Kennedy Amnesty bill last month so we could learn what was in it.

BUT NOW we are urging him to lead his fellow Republicans in opposition to S.1639 by OPPOSING the CLOTURE vote to restart further debate on this new amnesty bill.

The American people have expressed their views, quite clearly, in every poll conducted. We want our borders closed to illegal aliens and terrorists, and we want strong penalties against employers who hire hiring illegal aliens.

That is how our immigration problems will be solved -- NOT by granting amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens.

Please tell the Minority Leader to OPPOSE CLOTURE and SUPPORT the House Secure Borders First Act of 2007

That's it. That's all you have to do.

If you want to do more, please call and/or fax the same message to his DC and Kentucky offices.

Washington Office:
361A Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-1702
Phone: (202) 224-2541
Fax: (202) 224-2499

Main District Office:
601 W. Broadway, #630
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: (502) 582-6304
Fax: (502) 582-5326

I just received this list of possible toll-free numbers that you can also try. the more times you call, the greater the impact.


Thanks for your help! Working together, I know we can win this battle.

Edward I. Nelson
U.S. Border Control

* Cloture is a procedural vote that allows the Senate to limit debate on a bill or to stop a filibuster. It requires 60 votes to pass. Right now, there is a pending cloture vote to revive debate on the Bush-Kennedy amnesty.