Sen. Sessions: White House immigration plan 'fatally flawed'

By George Talbot |
on February 18, 2013

Sen. Jeff Sessions

WASHINGTON— U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Mobile, a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement today regarding the President’s leaked immigration plan and the Gang of 8:

“The release of the President's immigration plan is more than a misstep or clever political maneuver. It is a dramatic disclosure of his real immigration ideology and goals. The plan grants amnesty on day one while making hollow promises of future enforcement that will never occur. The plan is a giveaway for the special interests and the open borders lobby.

This president will never dedicate himself to enforcing the law, and this plan offers only further proof of that.

It is plain what is happening. The special interests are again in the White House, demanding and getting their favors granted, while American workers and the public interest are again locked out.

Unfortunately, the leaked plan is little different in its substance from the Gang of 8 plan, which is also unlikely to withstand scrutiny. Crucially, both plans confer legal status and work authorization on day one in exchange for promises of future enforcement on which this administration will never deliver.

Perhaps this leak, and what it reveals, may mark the beginning of the collapse of this new scheme to force through a fatally flawed plan.”

Sen. Sessions: White House immigration plan 'fatally flawed' |