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Below is an urgent message from the Center for Individual Freedom. Please take a few moments to read their important message about efforts to stop Amnesty for illegal aliens.

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Center for Individual Freedom

The U.S. Senate is trying to scam the American people -- you and me -- AGAIN!

Right now -- under the cover of darkness -- the Senate is moving forward -- full steam ahead -- with plans to allow as many as 66 million aliens into the United States.

Remember several months ago when the Senate voted 83-16 to authorize the building of a 370-mile fence along the Mexican border?

What you probably didn't know is that recently -- when they thought you weren't looking -- the Senate voted AGAINST an amendment by Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to actually FUND that fence . The vote was 71-29.

Minutes later, the Senate voted down another Sessions' amendment (66-34) that would have allocated necessary funds to the Department of Homeland Security to hire 800 full-time employees to investigate immigration fraud.

So what do these votes mean?

Simply put... No money... no fence and no real border enforcement.

Simply put, your suspicions were correct all along -- "comprehensive immigration reform," as the Senate calls it, continues to be nothing more than a code phrase for "granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens!"

It's often difficult to fathom the monumental arrogance and outright deceit of the U.S. Senate.

Our Senators know what the American people want, what they have demanded -- secure borders.

Our Senators know this is a vital issue for millions of Americans -- people like you and your family who they are supposed to represent.

These Senators have read the polls. They've heard from their constituents back home.


Now is the time to show them once again that you mean business -- that you demand secure borders and NO Amnesty for ILLEGALS!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 30 Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and the leadership of the House and Senate.

Tell them in no uncertain terms just how outraged -- how disgusted you are at their amnesty shenanigans.

Tell them you haven't forgotten what happened in 1986, when Congress gave three million illegal aliens amnesty and citizenship on the promise that our borders would be secured.

Tell them not to dare try that scam again -- EVER! No Amnesty! Seal our borders NOW!

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We've Won This Battle Before -- We Can Win Again

Over the spring, the Senate delayed voting on the McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill until after the Easter recess thinking that public pressure would evaporate.

But pressure didn't evaporate!

In fact, each and every time they tried to pull the wool over your eyes -- you soundly rebuked them and sent them reeling back to the proverbial drawing board!

But they're NOT ready to give up with plans to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens -- not just yet -- and they're still conspiring to deceive you, to fool you and to con you with an amnesty bill that's 100% guaranteed to invite disaster.

In 1986, Congress granted amnesty and citizenship to three million illegal aliens -- but at the time they solemnly promised -- Scout's Honor -- to seal the borders as well.

Today, 12 MILLION illegal aliens are in the United States and the American people are still waiting -- 20 years later -- for the enforcement provisions enacted into law in 1986 to take effect!

They didn't fulfill their promise to secure the border as they promised in 1986 when they gave AMNESTY to 3 million illegals. And, based on the actions of the Senate during the last week, they have no plans to secure the border today.

Here's what the Heritage Foundation's Robert Rector -- perhaps the nation's leading expert on immigration -- said about the Senate legislation.

"Allegedly, the border will first be sealed. This will be then followed by another mass amnesty and, inevitably, a huge flood of new immigrants."

Put the emphasis on the word "allegedly."

But after all... Isn't that what we all want? Mass amnesty? Hoards of illegal aliens skipping, across our border? Tens of millions of "new citizens" who refuse to assimilate as they maintain allegiance to the countries of their birth?

But wait a minute! The Senate says it will seal the borders first.

Rector says that's baloney.

He points out that a genuine seal-the-border bill should contain such provisions as the following:

A requirement that millions of illegal immigrants who work while using fake Social Security numbers be fired!

Enforcement of strict penalties against employers that hire illegal aliens "off the books."

On Social Security, the Senate said NO! In May, the Senate effectively REJECTED an amendment -- introduced by Senator John Ensign -- that would have prohibited illegal aliens from collecting Social Security benefits based on past illegal employment -- even if the job was obtained through forged or stolen documents.

On strict penalties for employers that hire illegals, the Senate bill actually grants AMNESTY to employers currently using illegal aliens for cheap labor.

The Senate, Rector says, "will accept no such tough measures. Therefore, talk of 'enforcement first' is hollow."

"Hollow" is too kind a word. The Senate's actions are a betrayal!

Rector's last word: "The Senate's immigration bill deserves burial in a very deep grave."

Let's dig that grave -- RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 30 Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and the leadership of the House and Senate.

Tell them in no uncertain terms just how outraged -- how disgusted you are at their amnesty shenanigans.

Tell them you haven't forgotten what happened in 1986, when Congress gave three million illegal aliens amnesty and citizenship on the promise that our borders would be secured.

Tell them not to dare try that scam again -- EVER! No Amnesty! Seal our borders NOW!

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66 Million Aliens...

Robert Rector's estimate of the number of new immigrants the Senate legislation would bring in to the United States over a 20-year period is -- are you ready for this? -- MORE THAN 66 MILLION, more than 20 percent of the current American population!

But Rector isn't the only one sounding the alarm:

Charles Hurt, reporting in the Washington Times, points out that the Senate bill would forbid State and local law enforcement officers from detaining illegal aliens for being in the country illegally; thus leaving the task entirely to the under-staffed, under-funded U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Hurt also reported that the Senate bill "would guarantee wages to some foreign workers that would be higher than the minimum wage -- in effect, higher than American workers could be paid at the same work site."

But these aren't the worst problems we face.

Our borders are war zones. But, our border patrols and National Guardsmen are out-manned and out-gunned.

Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez of Zapata County, Texas tells it like it is.

"For years we have seen individuals enter the country illegally. However, recently, we feel that many of these persons are no longer entering the country to look for legitimate employment. We are now seeing that many of these persons are members of ruthless and violent gangs. All of us are concerned that the border with Mexico is being used as the front door to this country and that terrorists are already in our back yard."

He's talking about ragtag armies like MS-13 -- the most dangerous street gang in the Western hemisphere -- with affiliates all over the United States.

Gonzalez again:

"In May of this year my office received information that the cartels immediately across our border are planning on threatening or killing as many police officers as possible on the United States side. This is being planned for the purpose of attempting to 'scare us' away from the border. It is very possible these cartels may form the nexus, or have already formed one, with members of al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups."

Sheriff Gonzalez and his men have found evidence that terrorists have already crossed the border -- Middle Eastern currency, Muslim clothing, a jacket with patches from countries where al-Qaida operates.

And 71 members of the U.S. Senate DON'T CARE ENOUGH TO SECURE OUR BORDERS!!!

It's not just Democrats -- but Republicans too. Their behavior is sickening.

Let them know you're watching -- RIGHT NOW -- TODAY!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 30 Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and the leadership of the House and Senate.

Tell them in no uncertain terms just how outraged -- how disgusted you are at their amnesty shenanigans.

Tell them you haven't forgotten what happened in 1986, when Congress gave three million illegal aliens amnesty and citizenship on the promise that our borders would be secured.

Tell them not to dare try that scam again -- EVER! No Amnesty! Seal our borders NOW!

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But Securing The Borders Simply Won't Work... Right?


A DEA report -- one that 71 senators don't want you to see -- clearly indicates that the very presence of the heroic force -- we know as the Minutemen -- has had a dramatic effect on drug traffic in Cochise County.

A DEA report states that the amount of bulk shipments of marijuana crossing the border "dropped significantly."

DEA official Anthony Coulson, said, "When you have eyes on the border -- I think any law enforcement will admit this -- you have a great deterrent effect of keeping things away... [The gangs] just kind of hunkered down, waiting till the Minuteman Project was over..."

According to a DEA graph, there was a 20% decrease in trafficking while the Minutemen stood guard.

So... the Senate doesn't want to appropriate money to build that wall -- the one they voted to build in May...

We can change that.

Most of us simply can't go to the border and join Minutemen patrols.

But we can make our voices heard in Washington, DC. We can flood our elected leaders' fax machines and let them know that we our watching. We can remind them that, in this election year, we will hold them to account at the polls if they don't do what the American people want.

Make you voice heard -- RIGHT NOW -- TODAY!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 30 Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and the leadership of the House and Senate.

Tell them in no uncertain terms just how outraged -- how disgusted you are at their amnesty shenanigans.

Tell them you haven't forgotten what happened in 1986, when Congress gave three million illegal aliens amnesty and citizenship on the promise that our borders would be secured.

Tell them not to dare try that scam again -- EVER! No Amnesty! Seal our borders NOW!

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Jeff Mazzella

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