This comment by Rohrabacker caught my attention.

Prisoners would make excellent crop harvester.1. Kaye Grogan
March 31, 2006

Let me say a big AMEN! . . . to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California, for suggesting that prisoners pick the crops in the United States. This is an excellent idea to make prisoners productive.

Since the taxpayers are already footing the bill for thousands and thousands of incarcerated prisoners — we wouldn't be burdened with billions of dollars (draining our economy) adding millions of illegal immigrants (trying to take over our country) if we put prisoners in the "picking" crops' business.

Oops . . . I forgot — felons can't vote, so the Democrats would fight that suggestion tooth and nail. The power-mongers are selling our country out for votes. The simple solution to that? . . . just send out absentee ballots to everyone in the world and let them vote. It beats the heck out of Americans having to take a back seat to foreigners, and keep the majority of them up.

Since many people don't like to hear the word illegal attached to those secretly crossing the border — how about unlawful? Unlawful means: not permitted by rules.

The leaders who have "whiplash" from straining their necks to avoid seeing the influx of out-of-control immigration problems — are going to have to face reality and soon. The majority of Americans are fed up to the nines — watching the usual three-ring-circus going on in Congress where nothing ever gets done.

If you can't come up with a viable solution, then resign, and let someone take your place who has not (yet) let power corrupt them, so Americans can claim back their territory.

There is a tremendous difference in immigration today and centuries ago. If Americans went to other countries and tried to replace another country's flag with the American flag — how far do you think they would get? Probably about as far as the hole that would be dug to deposit them in — after they had been shot on the spot!

"We are all immigrants" has just about run its course. Every country started with immigrants, and they would not put up with millions of Mexicans or any other nationality trying to invade and take over their territory — so why is America expected to take in everybody from rogue nations?

Are we getting a gigantic trophy for being the most stupid country in the world?

The border control folks missed a perfect opportunity to check the status of around 500,000 (mostly Hispanics) — to see if they are in this country legally or illegally, after they took openly to the streets. Busses should have been on standby, and if the people could not produce proper identification to prove they are here through the proper channels to become citizens of the United States or already citizens, then they should have been boarded on the busses and sent home.

The main reason why legalizing more than 11 million immigrants would not be the route to go: the rest of Mexico would want to come to America. Not to mention hordes from other countries. We are simply running out-of-room. If you think that there are only 11 million illegals here in America — then you are fooled. The leaders know if they revealed the actual number many would have strokes or heart attacks.

I agree 100 percent with Rep. Virgil Goode of Virginia, when he said if Mexicans want to wave the Mexican flag then they should go to Mexico. Our flag is the only flag that should be waved here in America. Many people have given their lives for American values and traditions, so others could be free here in our country. And our flag is symbolic of those sacrifices.

And it is disrespectful and disgraceful when another country flies their flag in a foreign country — especially, when the country has contributed billions of dollars to their country's economy and this is the thanks they get.

You can't be an American halfway. You should be willing to give up the traditions of your own country, and respect the traditions and the laws of the country that is offering you a new home or asylum.

And above all else: you should come to America through the proper channels and quit breaking our laws, and then try to make excuses trying to blame innocent Americans for your lawless behavior.

We have our own resources in America — if we would just use them. Employers have gotten away long enough with being irresponsible by sending jobs out of America for cheap labor, and trying to implement cheap labor practices here in America. And then have the audacity to say that Americans are too lazy to work.

It's time to put the prisoners to work in fields, earning their upkeep, by returning back to society free labor as one of their punishments, and send the overflow of illegal immigrants back home to end the strain on our economy and stop the insidious abuse of our immigration laws.

And that's just my opinion!

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