WND Exclusive Commentary

Senators grant themselves amnesty

Posted: June 5, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

Let's stop playing games! Is the path to citizenship, as laid out by the Senate, amnesty or not?

What if our illegal friends pay fines, pay back taxes, remain continuously employed, stay out of jail, and promise not to criticize my favorite Mexican restaurant? Some senators say earning citizenship this way amounts to amnesty; most others say it isn't. But why take their word for it? These are the same guys who want to extend daylight savings time. Merriam-Webster weighs in: ''Amnesty ... the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals.''

This seems right to me. Yes, this is a darn good definition. I'm no master ''wordologist,'' but I'm thinking the folks at Merriam-Webster have nailed this one.

The problem is I don't think the most important question is whether or not legislation proposed by the Senate amounts to amnesty for illegal aliens. The better question is, does the legislation grant amnesty to United States senators?

The answer is yes.

Before taking office, all senators take an oath:

''I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.''

See the problem? Senators (presidents and representatives, too) have looked the other way while non-citizens illegally cross our borders and then proceed to live, work, play and raise families here. In so doing, many of our laws are broken because these illegal aliens fraudulently obtain Social Security numbers and driver's licenses, don't pay their taxes, and, worst of all, vote repeatedly for the next ''American Idol"!' Oh yeah, and they take jobs legal Americans want and do every day. That's not a crime – or is it?

The Constitution clearly defines how one can become a citizen, yet our lawmakers have not made any attempt to demand enforcement. We know enemies of our country have entered illegally, yet lawmakers have left our borders virtually unprotected. Remind me, what was the purpose of that oath, anyway?

Here's what's really happening: The Senate has drafted legislation making illegal aliens legal, and simultaneously, absolved its members of the responsibilities of their oath. Check the definition again for ''amnesty.'' There's no debate here. The Senate is making the outrageous attempt to grant itself amnesty, while laughing itself silly as we debate whether or not they are granting illegal aliens amnesty.

That's the fact, Jack/Jose.

Personally, I believe illegal aliens should be allowed to earn their way to a legal status. I just don't think those here illegally should ever be given the right to vote. Now, if they want to leave and come back legally, no problem. Absent that, politicians should not be able to pull a double fraud on us: grant themselves amnesty and pander to an entirely new class of tainted voters – voters our Constitution never envisioned. We're back to that oath of office issue, again.

Talk about a culture of corruption. Lawbreaking aliens are being used for the benefit of oath-breaking politicians. That makes the $90,000 squirreled away in Rep. William Jefferson's home freezer look like driving one mile per hour over the speed limit. It makes the Marc Rich pardon look like ... alas, let's not go there. The Marc Rich pardon still ticks me off.

Anyway, we should strip from politicians the right to grant themselves amnesty. I've got an idea. Why not, just for kicks, start holding our politicians accountable for their actions? I know they took that pesky little oath and that oath should mean something! We don't let presidents pardon themselves; why should Congress get that right?

The Senate bill grants amnesty, but perhaps the House of Representatives can put a stop to that madness.