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Posted on Sat, Mar. 25, 2006

SF activists on hunger strike for undocumented immigrants

Bay City News Service

Friday night's rain did not stop more than 50 activists from continuing a hunger strike in front of the San Francisco Federal Building.

The hunger strike, in its fifth day today, is part of a weeklong protest against U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter's bill, which activists say unfairly targets undocumented immigrants.

The House of Representatives passed the `Border Protection Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act,'' also known as HR 4437 on Dec. 16, 2005.

The senate plans to review the bill this month.

On Friday afternoon activists delivered 8,000 postcards signed by Bay Area residents to Sen. Diane Feinstein's San Francisco office. The postcards urged Feinstein to support comprehensive immigration reform. They stated, `we need you to demonstrate leadership by opposing mean-spirited attempts at 'immigration reform' that only criminalize immigrants and threaten caring individuals that help those in need.`

`We are hoping that Feinstein will take a leadership role in opposing Specter's bill. We want to know her stance on indoctrinated immigrants,` said activist Sheila Chung, daughter of immigrant parents from Korea and Argentina.

A candlelight vigil is scheduled for 6 p.m. today in front of the Federal Building located at 450 Golden Gate Ave.

Those participating in the hunger strike are journaling their daily activities in an online blog, which can be found at