by Turtle

The three teenagers charged as adults in Shenandoah, Derrick Donchak, Colin Walsh, and Brandon Piekarsky, asked to have the charges dismissed. A hearing was scheduled for 9:30am this morning (11/13/08 ).

Two friends drove an hour to my house, where another friend and I waited. The four of us drove another hour to Pottsville to witness the goings-on of this dismissal hearing.

When we first arrived, I recognized some of the wonderful people I’ve met and have been keeping in touch with. I am happy to say the families are remaining strong and supportive!

I overheard someone talking about a plea bargain. As I listened, I learned that only yesterday, the District Attorney offered a sweet deal to the boys. Apparently, he was willing to drop everything but assault and ethnic intimidation, with a sentence of ten months in county prison. Wow. I guess even the DA knows he has NO CASE against these boys, but since he’s up for election as a judge, he needs SOME kind of conviction on them.

We entered the courtroom, and waited and waited. Then we waited some more. After about an hour and a half of waiting, I found out that the judge, attorneys, and DA were in judge’s chambers downstairs. Here’s where this whole situation gets really whacky:

The DA wanted the plea deal, the defense was wholeheartedly considering it, and the judge was willing to approve it. Then MALDEF and the Department of Justice (DOJ) called Crystal Dillman (self-titled “fianceeâ€