$2 Gas Prices Send Truckers Across the Border

Last Update: 4/24 8:03 am

Diesel prices now reach a record high of $4.00 a gallon and it is devastating independent truckers and forcing some to stop work.

UCAN gas analyst, Charles Langley says, "At $4.34 a gallon, which is what diesel costs in San Diego, it's simply unaffordable"

Some truckers are diving south where diesel is just over $2.00 and truckers say that the high gas prices are forcing them to go outside of the country to buy fuel to survive.

Langley says that a trucker could save an extra $500 to $1000 to fill up their tank and come back over the border.

With the price of diesel $4.25 here and two-bucks cheaper across the border, you would think it's a no brainer but it's not that easy.

Mexican permits can take time to get, but independent truck drivers say that they have no choice.

Abel Gonzalez, a trucker says that he will pay at least $1000 a truck for Mexican permits; he says that it's the only way that he will stay in business.

Gonzalez says that with each truck he can save $500 a trip and on the first two fills he can make back that money he spent.

When we asked gas analyst, Charles Langley, why a country like Mexico can have cheaper gas, Langley answered very simply, “Mexico has price control."
