Sheriff Joe Arpaio Backs Mitt Romney: An Endorsement That Might Matter

By Mike Bates
Jan 2, 2008

Do celebrity endorsements make much of a difference in elections? Barack Obama’s assistance from the unelected queen of the world, Oprah Winfrey, suggests maybe not, at least not in the way you’d expect. A poll found that one in three young New Hampshire women were less likely to vote for the clean, smart and articulate Obama because of the Oprah endorsement. One –sixth of women over age 65 said their opinion of the senator diminished as a result of Ms. Winfrey’s support.

Perhaps there’s hope for the Republic after all. Not that politicians are likely to discourage endorsements from some of the only folks with egos as colossal as their own.

At times we can tell a lot about a candidate by the celebrities backing him or her. Barbra Streisand endorsed Hillary Clinton, saying “Madame President of the United States . . . it’s an extraordinary thought.â€