This Sign Should Not Be Vandalized
By Greg L | 5 April 2008 | Manassas City | 69 Comments

PWC Conservative is reporting that there are rumblings from residents about personally taking action against the outrageous sign that has been erected in Manassas City. While I understand and share the frustration that residents feel, any person damaging this sign would do Manassas City a great disservice. Vandalism is wrong, whatever the reason that may motivate it.

I would encourage citizens to keep an eye on this sign and take whatever actions they can to prevent anyone from damaging it. If in your travels you can alter your route to swing by this sign to keep an eye on it, I would personally appreciate it. Should you observe anyone attempting to damage this sign, please contact the police immediately.

The proper venue for your frustrations are your elected officials, and I am sure they would welcome hearing from you on this subject. The Manassas City Government will eventually resolve this situation, provided residents make their feelings clear on this, and while that process may take longer than many of us would hope, the legal process here is just as important as efforts to support the rule of law in Prince William County. We cannot embrace efforts to encourage lawful behavior in one jurisdiction while ignoring the rule of law in another. ... #more-2233