By Frosty Wooldridge
August 2, 2010

In 1964, the United States population remained at a sustainable 194 million people. The American female maintained a 2.03 fertility level that would have balanced U.S. population at 255 million. After the 1965 Immigration Reform Act, however, legal and illegal immigration-driven-population-growth added 106 million people in 40 years. By October, 2006, America will exceed 300 million people. The United States population will double sometime past mid century to over 600 million. The problems created will be irreversible and unsolvable.

Today, most Americans accept legal immigration as a vital aspect of American history. That was when this country enjoyed 75 million people in 1905 driving horses and riding trains. Today, America features 299 million people driving cars and burning 20 million barrels of gasoline daily—not to mention voracious use of food, wood, natural gas, coal, electricity and water.

Whether adding 1.5 million legal immigrants annually and 1.5 to 3.0 million illegal migrants annually according to Time Magazine September 20, 2004, any kind of mass immigration in 2010 stands as an environmental catastrophe for future generations.

Mark Twain said ‘silent-assertion’ stood as the “shabbiest of lies.â€