I KNOW! I was just there! There were people from all over the world there. I for one made sure I told all employees we came in to contact with that we were there to support them.

What Boycott? Arizona Tourism is Booming
Updated: Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010, 10:09 PM MDT
Published : Wednesday, 28 Jul 2010, 10:09 PM MDT

PHOENIX - When SB1070 was signed into law, there were calls from Los Angeles to St. Paul to Boston to boycott Arizona.

City councils, businesses, organizations, and even musicians vowed not to travel to Arizona, because of our stance on illegal immigration. But one study shows, the boycott strategy didn't deliver the knockout punch some hoped for.

The study found that occupancy rates at Arizona hotels are up more than 5 percent in May, and more than 11 percent compared to last year. The state raked in $48 million in tourism dollars.

The boom in numbers is apparently thanks in part to SB1070 supporters across the nation, and a massive PR campaign that was launched to restore Arizona's image.

http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/news/im ... -7-28-2010