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January 20, 2006

Southern exposure

South Texas landowners inundated by criminal element illegally entering the U.S. from Mexico...

Part 1 of a Two-Part Series

By Lana Robinson
Field Editor

Especially since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the ease with which people illegally cross over into Texas from Mexico and the high numbers entering have become increasingly worrisome. Many South Texas landowners, who in the past have not felt particularly threatened by immigrants coming here to seek work, no longer feel safe in their own homes and on their own properties. Drug and human trafficking are occupying a big portion of local law enforcement officials' time and draining limited resources. Ranchers are growing weary of vandalism, theft, littering, cut fences and roaming livestock. Some feel they are witnessing an erosion of the American way of life due to illegals burdening the nation's health care and education systems. What's worse is many believe the federal government has failed in its most fundamental duty to its citizensâ€â€