Southern Poverty Law Center video urges states to "Remember Alabama" in crafting immigration laws

(Should read: Southern Poverty Law Center video PROPAGANDA!)

By Brian Lawson, The Huntsville Times
Updated: Monday, January 23, 2012, 12:02 PM

The Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery which is providing legal assistance to plaintiffs suing to block Alabama's immigration law, released a three-minute video today urging other states to avoid similar legislation.

The video is titled "Remember Alabama" and outlines problems the law has created for farmers. It also notes the embarrassment surrounding the arrest of a German Mercedes Benz worker.

The lawsuits brought by the plaintiffs group and the U.S. Department of Justice are before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and oral arguments are expected to be heard March 1 in Atlanta.

Alabama officials have argued the law is necessary to stem the costly spread of illegal immigration in the state.

Southern Poverty Law Center video urges states to "Remember Alabama" in crafting immigration laws |