Hiring Illegal Immigrants: Law Gets The Shaft

Story Updated: Mar 7, 2008 at 6:20 PM MST

By Araksya Karapetyan

It's one of the hottest issues across the nation and our state.
And today an Idaho bill that would have fined employers who hire illegal immigrants got the shaft.
Idaho lawmakers have killed a measure that would crack down on employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.
Lawmakers in the committee say they are concerned about the law's potential impact on Idaho's economy.

Robb Chiles, president of I.F. Chamber of Commerce: "Certainly I think as employers we always have issues trying to find employees and a lot of times illegal immigrants able to provide some of those services."

That being said, Chiles says rules are rules and hiring illegals is breaking those rules.

Chiles: "Need to make sure all workers documented and paying their share of taxes."

Here in Idaho Falls Chiles says he doesn't doubt there are undocumented workers, but he also doesn't think its that big of a problem.

Chiles: " I wouldn't say businesses out there are knowingly hiring these folks. "

Chiles says its up to the employer to take responsibility.

Chiles: "Businessmen need to take proactive effort and make sure employees they have are of legal status."

Legal status, that's the bottom line.

Coyde Marquez:"I think the bill should have passed because in order to work in this country you need to be a citizen."

Matthew Reymann: "It creates social problems and growth problems and all sorts of ramifications. I am not against people coming into the country but should be some system to legally bring them in. And all people should have to come down same system."

Tyler Smith: "It's bad for wages and it creates low competition. It hurts other people much as like to see them make it. It's not fair to everyone else as well."

If the bill had passed, businesses could have licenses suspended after a second violation and revoked for a third.
