Douglas Bruce Objects To County Training for Illegal Immigrants

Posted: 8:05 AM Aug 8, 2008
Last Updated: 2:22 PM Aug 8, 2008
Reporter: KKTV

PLAY VIDEO: Douglas Bruce Objects To County Training for Illegal Immigrants

A State Representative Douglas Bruce is demanding action against El Paso County employees who he says were involved in training that would protect illegal immigrants.

Bruce says members of the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Victims Advocacy Department attended a training course recently, which included a presentation by a non-profit group Colorado Legal Services.

Brice said the group handed out pamphlets that detailed how immigrant workers should respond to and prepare for a law enforcement raid.

"I think the people involved in the program who are paid staff of the sheriff's office should be reprimanded for their terrible judgement, and every county employee should be told our policy is to co-operate with federal law, our policy is not to harbor illegal aliens," Bruce says.

"Just because they give our staff members documents doesn't mean, A: we're going to distribute them and subsequently endorse them," responds Lt. Lari Sevene.

Sheriff Maketa told 11 News employees attended the 90-minute training session, which also covered a list of other topics. Maketa says he didn't know the handouts, detailing how to avoid a raid, would be included.

Maketa also stands by the office's record of supporting federal immigration enforcement- pointing out 14 of his staff members are trained to respond to immigration-related investigations