Stopping illegal immigration

Tim Gobble
Bradley County Sheriff
Sunday, Jan 03, 2010

It has been said that the United States is a nation of immigrants. I agree with that. Unless you are of Native American ancestry, your forefathers came to these shores from some other part of the world. We have a rich history of ethnic diversity and cultural influences.
It is one of the things that has made us unique in the world. However, it is important to separate those who immigrate here from other countries through legal channels from those who attempt to by-pass our laws and sneak in illegally. We are a nation of laws and illegal/criminal activity runs contrary to that principle.
Mass illegal immigration is also bad for our country because it puts a burden on our resources and public services, such as law enforcement, medical, educational and social services. Right now, our nation is struggling with weakened economic conditions, with some states actually facing the possibility of bankruptcy because of uncontrolled spending. As a nation, we cannot continue supporting mass groups of non-citizens with U.S. citizens' taxpayer money.
Adding to this danger are attempts by some lawmakers to grant amnesty and give “legalâ€