Published: Nov. 16, 2010
Updated: 2:38 p.m.

'Ask A Mexican' columnist debates immigration hawk tonight

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"Ask a Mexican" columnist Gustavo Arellano and anti-illegal immigration hawk Tom Tancredo will meet Tuesday night to duke it out on the issue of immigration.

The 6:30 p.m. debate is scheduled to take place in Denver. Spectators can watch via live stream at the OC Weekly website, according to the paper.

Tancredo, a one-time presidential candidate, recently lost a bid to become Colorado's governor.

The debate was the idea of Patty Calhoun, editor of the weekly's sister paper Westword.

"I've never seen a public-policy problem that could ever be solved unless you talk about it," Tancredo told the weekly. "And you can't talk about it if you're usually yelling about it."

In an earlier column Arellano wrote: "On the right side is former Congressman Tom Tancredo, he of the many wild theories about Mexicans over the years. And on the left is yours truly, I of the many wild theories about Mexicans." ... ation.html