It's time to put Mexico in her proper place
By Don Ramakers (12/22/05)

Today [12-20] the Mexican government ran off at the mouth again, this time regarding the proposed border wall extensions along the U.S.-Mexico border. One Mexican official called it "stupid" while another referred to it by comparing it to the Berlin Wall. As someone who was on patrol on the Berlin Wall, I find that reference particularly disgusting, but I digress. The worst quote was from the Mexican Foreign Secretary, Luis Ernesto Derbez, who said "Mexico is not going to bear, it is not going to permit, and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall." Excuse me? Mexico will not allow? Hey Mr. Derbez...exactly who is Mexico to "allow" anything in this country? Well, folks, it's time to do a little analysis of that.

Mr. Derbez's branch of the Mexican government is the coordinator and abettor of the de facto invasion and subversion of the United States. Does that sound too strong to you? Here is a short list of the activities perpetrated by the Mexican government against the U.S.:

Using Mexican police and Army personnel to guard illegals and drug shipments as they cross our border, including firing on our Border Patrol agents.

Designing, printing and distributing comic book-style instruction pamphlets which tell illegals not only how to cross into this country but how to avoid detection once here AND soak up social services.

Handing out Matricula Consular cards to illegals in this country to aid in their ability to "legally" open bank accounts, etc.

Paying for advertisements encouraging illegals to sue under labor laws for on-the-job violations, injuries, etc., jobs they are not legally entitled to have in the first place.

Setting up staging areas on the Mexican side of the border to hand out supplies and maps to illegals getting ready to cross.

Distributing Mexican textbooks to OUR school districts which depict the Southwestern U.S. as stolen territory and refer to our flag as "the flag of the enemy."

Harboring murder suspects, including cop killers and rapists, while refusing to extradite them because we refuse to abide by Mexican court decisions regarding life sentences and the death penalty. Meanwhile, when America protests Mexico's policies about the border, Mexico tells us we have no business interfering in their affairs.

Constantly insulting and threatening the United States for daring to enforce its own border. By the way, Mexico has its army on the border with Guatemala to stop illegals from coming IN to Mexico......

And now, Mexico says they will not "allow" the border wall to go up? I'm sorry, but unlike liberals and latino victocrat groups, I was still under the impression that this country is run by AMERICANS. Apparently, Mexico is quite bent on changing that fact. Ladies and gentlemen, when a foreign power sends its citizens into another country in knowing and direct violation of that country's laws and then threatens that country for trying to stop it, that's called an ACT OF WAR.

It is time we immediately placed the U.S. military on the border with Mexico. It is time we echoed Congressman Hayworth and told Mexico to "shut up." It is time we insisted that Mexico stop the invasion and the subversion of our government and our culture. And if they don't, it's time we did something about it, and I don't mean a diplomatic solution either.

It is time that Mexico be put in her proper place.