
Published: Sunday, July 31, 2005
Bylined to: Mary MacElveen

70% approval rating; USA needs Chavez-style leadership not Bush terror!

VHeadline.com guest commentarist Mary MacElveen writes: The Gallup Poll that was just released on July 29, shows that Bush’s approval rating now stands at 44%. According to their findings: “Four in 10 Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the country.�

The poll also shows a “continued positive momentum for the Democratic Party in terms of national party identification and ratings� ... I just wish that the Democratic Party would spend this political capital.

Shortly after the London and Egypt attacks, and according to Gallup, “His higher July numbers may have been a product of the increased focus on terrorism following the London terror attack on July 7 as well as the attack that happened in Egypt on July 23." They then went on to say that Bush naming John Roberts as his nominee to the Supreme Court was “well received� but they cite any support from that would be “short lived.�

If this support is short lived, why aren’t the Democrats jumping on that or Republicans for that matter who may not agree in totality with all of Bush’s policies?

But, here is what astonishes me ... that according to this poll. the Democratic Party is fairing better in their approval rating where Gallup states “found 52% of Americans rating the Democratic Party favorably, while just 46% give a favorable rating to the Republican Party.� So, if this astonishes me, what equally astonishes me is where 15 Democrats sided with Bush when they voted for CAFTA. You would think that Democrats would use this poll as their political weapon and hand Bush a defeat when it came to that bill. They sure showed him. While admonishing them, I want to take this time and applaud those 25 Republican congress members for voting no to this bill. It took courage on their part to split with Bush on CAFTA.

This past week, the US Senate approved Bush’s energy bill and, according to BBC News “the fresh rise came as the US Senate passed President George W Bush's energy bill, giving US$14.5 billion in tax breaks and subsidies to US energy firms.� I am sure that the Democrats, using any perceived clout they think they have due to this Gallup poll, are sure showing him. What this energy bill clearly shows is a case for corporate welfare where again corporations will be the benefactors instead of the people.

I want the American people to understand fully understand that “The bill is unlikely to have any short term effect on US energy costs.�

So as my fellow Americans travel to the mall, take last minute vacations or more importantly go to work, all of us will be paying higher energy prices. Any perceived help coming from Washington, D.C. is all but a pipe dream.

Bush also enjoyed a victory in the passage of a massive transportation package and as reported by the Washington Post where they cite, “Congress on Friday passed sweeping highway and mass transit legislation that will send nearly $300 billion to the states to build and fix roads, create thousands of new jobs.�

While I have nothing against fixing our roads or creating jobs through legislation, what I do have a problem with is the pork that goes along with it. But, before I cite you a case of said pork, Americans would have faired better had we demanded honesty and fiscal responsibility when it came to funding the “Bush War� in Iraq. I would approve of spending $300 billion here at home instead of attacking an innocent people.

Here are two examples of pork spending when it comes to this bill: The first cited by the Washington Post states “two bridges in Alaska, one named for House Transportation Committee Chairman Don Young (R-Alaska) funded at more than $450 million.� As I look around me here in New York where I see people suffering, it is so nice to know that my tax money will be used to pay for a bridge named after a sitting congress member. Oh please!

What is not stated in the article is that Wal Mart will receive $37 million for a road expansion project for their Bentonville, Arkansas plant. This is the same Wal Mart which is now the world’s largest and wealthiest retailer. I am of the opinion that they should pay for this project instead of the American taxpayer. Again, this is a case of corporate welfare.

Just a few weeks ago, the biggest stories were of Karl Rove as to whether or not he was the White House leak who blew the cover of a CIA agent named Valerie Plame, and seeing that Bush’s numbers were plummeting we should have kept this White House on the run.
Also the hottest topic being reported were the Downing Street Memos where it has been reported Bush fixed the intelligence to meet his plans on invading Iraq. That life and death issue has all been but buried and America deserves to know whether the man leading her is a traitor.

When a woman by the name of Tammy posted these Gallup findings on various political lists we are members of, my response was that President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela presently enjoys a 70% approval rating and he did not need a September 11 or fear tactics to gain that approval. What this tells me is that the people’s needs are being attended to in Venezuela and where the people’s needs are not being attended to by Bush here in America.

While the Bush administration demonizes President Hugo Chavez Frias and they tag him as a socialist leader (or a leftist leader), let us not forget he abhors corporate welfare ... and the only welfare he is concerned about is the welfare of his people.

Do you want to see clear examples, then I invite you all to read VHeadline.com -- http://www.vheadline.com

America, don’t you want the same type of leadership here?

What is wrong with the American people when they refuse to demand the same leadership here in the United States?

More importantly what is wrong with our political system when our alleged representatives will support corporate welfare at the expense of the American people?

It is all about money, folks and those with it, rule the day.

A few weeks ago, I was very hopeful for a change in direction in this country, where we would see our elected leaders exuding pressure on Bush by keeping him on the run. But, with these recent victories supported by our congress it shows me that he continues to steamroll over all of us and with the congress’s blessing.

Lastly, a woman wrote me asking me if we can move to Venezuela since she feels assaulted on a daily basis by these Bush victories. My reply to her was, that I would love to move there and be led by President Chavez ... but, in all honesty, I must stay here and fight for what I think is right.

In my opinion, President Hugo Chavez Frias would want me staying here in the United States of America and spreading the word of what good government is truly about.

It is about fighting for the people instead of the corporations.