ColorLines: The DREAM Act walkers are progressing towards DC

Our colleagues at asked us to share this important message with you:

Juan, Carlos, Felipe, and Gaby-four brave immigrant students walking from Miami to Washington, D.C. have walked nearly 1,000 miles, braving rain and snow, blistered feet, and vicious anti-immigrant sentiment.

During their journey, nearly 25,000 people have signed on to support their call for leaders to fix our failed immigration system. Now they've set a goal of walking into Washington D.C. with more than 50,000 people standing behind them.

Can you help them reach their goal? Please watch this powerful video and pledge your support for the walkers.

By clicking the link above you'll sign on to the following statement: "I stand with the walkers as they call for solutions to our country's failed immigration system."

The "dream walkers" were brought to the U.S. by their families when they were young, have excelled in school, worked hard, and contributed to their communities. And they all have faced the threat of being sent away from the only country they know as home. These courageous young people know that there are clear pathways to fixing our failed immigration system and they are fighting to make it happen.

Juan, Carlos, Gaby and Felipe chose to walk because they have run out of options. There are currently no legal pathways for them to gain citizenship, which is why they are calling on President Obama and other leaders to do everything in their power to pass real reform this year.

Their courage has inspired crowds of people along the trail, and nearly 25,000 across the country to sign up in support. Can you help them get to 50,000 supporters by signing up to "join the walk" and by sharing this video far and wide? It only takes a moment.

Thank you and Adelante!
Favianna, Roberto, Laurie and the rest of the team