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We Need a Fence
By Jamie Glazov | October 31, 2005

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Colin A Hanna, the president of, a group seeking federal legislation to build a security barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border.

FP: Colin Hanna, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Hanna: Thanks, Jamie. As a long-time admirer of David Horowitz, it's good to be with you.

FP: Tell us the urgency you see in our Homeland Security situation today that you believe necessitates a group such as yours and the objectives you seek to achieve.

Hanna: Many Americans are rightly concerned about the illegal immigration problem, particularly across our southern border. There are upwards of a million illegals a year that are apprehended attempting to enter our country, and probably three to five times that many who are not caught. So the problem is clearly out of control. Alarming as those large numbers are, however, what is most disturbing to me is a much smaller subset of these numbers: the several hundred aliens from terrorism-sponsoring or terrorism-harboring countries like Iran, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, and Sudan. Just ask yourself, what are a bunch of Syrians or Iranians doing in Mexico trying to enter the United States illegally? Is it so that they can taste a McDonald's burger on its home turf? I doubt it. And remember, the 9/11 attack that cost over 3,000 lives was the result of the coordinated acts of only 19 illegal aliens. So the level of illegal immigration from so-called "special interest" countries ought to be matter of sincere and urgent concern.

FP: Especially horrifying is what the terrorists who are easily entering through the Mexican border are bringing with them. They can now carry small weapons that can produce devastating carnage. Can you talk a bit about that?

Hanna: The national security risk from terrorists attempting entry into the US is not defined by what US authorities are known to have found and confiscated, but rather by what kinds of devices terrorists potentially could bring with them. Syndicated columnist Deroy Murdock has written: "A member of the private American Border Patrol last year carried a fake suitcase bomb â€â€