I just received my John McCain 2008: Presidential Agenda Survey. He wants my input on the "most important issues facing our nation." Then, he wants a donation.

He does not directly address the issue of illegal immigration in his letter. Clearly, it still is not that important an issue with him. He does say he brings "a solid record of commitment to...addressing illegal immigration..."

Survey questions involving immigration:

35. Encourage more US investment and trade in Mexico and Central America to help create jobs and lessen pressure for illegal immigrants to come to the US. AGREE/DISAGREE/NO OPINION.

Disagree. I don't mind trade, but not at the expense of US jobs. I would rather have a strong border enforcement to discourage illegal immigration.

62. Allow current immigrants already in our country to register as "guest workers". AGREE/DISAGREE/NO OPINION.

Disagree. They broke the law. They cheated. You can't reward them for that. It will take work, but they all must be deported.

63. Employers must be required to only hire legal guest-workers and not illegal immigrants. AGREE/DISAGREE/NO OPINION.

Disagree. I disagree because these would be guest workers under the McKennedy Guest Worker Program, i.e. the cheaters. After clearing the nation of the illegals already here, the closing of our border, and a moratorium on immigration, only then will an enforceable and limited immigration plan be acceptable. Illegals should never be hired and employers should be fined or jailed for doing so.

I'm sure McCain won't give a hoot for what I have to say, but that ain't stopped me before!!!