Border Security
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As a New Mexican and member of law enforcement, Susana Martinez recognizes how critical it is that we secure our border. With violence in Mexico reaching unprecedented levels, we must do everything within our power to protect against that crime and violence crossing over the border.

While other candidates talk about border security, Susana Martinez is the only one with actual experience taking on the issue. Martinez’s office prosecutes over 600 cases related to border security every year and works with various law enforcement agencies to secure convictions against members of Mexico’s most violent drug cartels. Martinez understands first-hand the threat these criminals pose to our state and will make securing the border a top priority.

It is true that the federal government plays the dominant role when it comes to immigration law. Unfortunately, the Richardson/Denish administration has gone out of its way to enact state laws that make New Mexico attractive to illegal immigration and run counter to efforts to secure our borders. Susana Martinez will take steps to make the state less attractive to illegal immigration, which will help enhance our border security.

The first place Martinez will start is by seeking to repeal the law that allows illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. This law encourages illegal immigrants to come to New Mexico and makes it more difficult for law enforcement officials to determine if someone is here illegally. Repealing this law is a common-sense step towards securing our border.

Similarly, Martinez opposes providing illegal immigrants with free tuition through taxpayer-funded lottery scholarships. Not only does this provide further incentive for illegal immigrants to come to New Mexico, it is simply wrong to provide free scholarships to illegal immigrants when members of the military stationed in New Mexico are not eligible for the same benefits.

While it is critical to preserve the rule of law and take reasonable steps to secure our border, we must also never forget that we are a nation of immigrants. We must enhance our security systems along the border and prosecute those who violate our laws, but we must do so while recognizing that legal immigrants who follow the rules and come to America seeking to improve their lives, and the lives of their family, strengthen our nation. ... -security/