From Team America PAC:

Team America has put together a simple pledge—a fence, enforcement, no amnesties no matter what they call them. It’s the “Tancredo gold standard”.

We are sending it to all the candidates and asking them to sign it. We
want to know in writing where they stand.

I, ___________________, pledge to the residents of my district, that as a
candidate for public office, if elected, I will represent the will of the
American people by
(1) Supporting and voting for border security, including a physical
fence along the U.S.-Mexico border; and
(2) Supporting and voting for tougher enforcement laws including
mandatory verification of employees and authorization of local law
enforcement agencies to enforce our immigration laws;
(3) Opposing and voting against all guest worker and all amnesty
programs, regardless of whether they are called amnesties, earned
legalization programs, or pathways to citizenship.
By signing this pledge, I acknowledge that these actions are critical to
upholding our country's national security, border security, and economic
Candidate for Congress

We could use your help getting them to sign it. Send this pledge to your
congressman or candidates or just call them and ask if they have signed
it. We’ll be doing the same all next week and will list the candidates
who sign on our web site.

Also endorsed candidates are now on our website. We’ll begin sending them contributions next week so we could sure use your help.

Warmest regards,
Bay Buchanan