All GOP amendments to Bill defeated

Aftermath, or AfterFIX of Obama Government Takeover, PART ONE:

By Jerry McConnell
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our illustrious United States Senate spent a busy day on Wednesday, March 24, 2010, just three days after the Sunday Night Massacre of the nation’s taxpayers who, in a majority, wanted no part of the Obama health care legislation that was snookered and fudged and then rammed down their throats by a tiny margin, thanks to conscienceless maneuvering by turncoats who held their hands over their hearts and proclaimed faithfulness to the pro-lifers as they held their fingers crossed hoping not to be struck down by a higher authority for being blatant liars.

As stated: “The latest development came as the Senate completed nine hours of uninterrupted voting on 29 GOP amendments to the legislation. Majority Democrats defeated every amendment.â€