Once again this is a nation of Sovereigns. That means, 'a nation of Kings'.
From the beginning the people of our nation recognized that God gave them dominion, agency and possession of their bodies and commanded them to multiply replenish and subdue the earth. Dominion, agency and possession constitute the very definition of sovereignty. Recognizing that, the people formed our government by design to function of the people, by the people, and for the people. When I went to school the part about "of the people, by the people and for the people" was still taught but the sovereign part was already lost and the controllers of the school system were in the process of eliminating the whole principle from their curriculum.
This nation's government was created by a Trust Indenture (contract) called, The Constitution for the United States of America. That document had only seven (7) articles. It had no amendments. The founders of the nation's Constitution created the Trust with the authority the people gave to them; the authority to "fix the government."
Once they finished acting as Senators under the Constitution and they sat George Washington in the seat of the President of the Constitutional United States of America. They sat George Washington without a popular election.
Those founders were seated in their seats by authority of the Governors and or State legislators of the individual State governments. They needed to create a new form of government because their Confederacy of Sovereign States was failing miserably. It was failing because the State governments were individually recognized as independent sovereign nations wielding the "collective sovereignty of the people" as if they were Kingdoms. Their authority superseded that of the national government and their size gave them power over the individual 'sovereign' people, which they controlled by will and whim. They believed the nation would soon falter and be lost to England under the sheer weight of their sovereign State government's self inflicted conflicts and boundary disputes both internally and between the other States. For that reason, the sovereign State's governors of the Confederate United States of America, granted the founders of the Constitution authority to "fix" the national government, and, this Constitutional Republic was born. [It is important to note that by definition a Constitutional Republic is, a representative government controlled by its Constitution and Law.]
Once the Constitutional Republic was created in trust and the President and Senators were seated, copies of the Constitution were distributed amongst the States for "ratification". It is very important that we understand what ratification was. Could it have been that the individual States had to approve of the Constitution in order for it to have any affect? No. Ratification did not change the fact that the President and the Senate were already seated according to the Constitution. It was that the each State had to recognize that they were giving up their alleged state sovereignty and all of their right and title to all of the unappropriated public lands within their State.
It is impossible to control government if you have no idea of what government is. Today what you see as the United States Government is not a government at all. It is a private 'municipal corporation' that was formed in, The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, for the purpose of carrying out the business needs of the actual government acting under martial law. That corporation trademarked the names: United States, U.S., USA, and America. We call it: Corp. U.S. They adopted their own constitution, which did not include our nation's 13th Amendment, which amendment limited officers of government from raising themselves above the people. In 1913 Corp. U.S. started to have their Corp. Senators elected by popular vote and the States stopped appointing national Senators. In 1944, Corp. U.S. was deeded to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) under The Bretton Woods Agreement, codified at USC Title 22 § 286.
Our nation's original jurisdiction Constitutional Republic government is vacant. It's vacant because people have forgotten who they are. It's vacant because we forgot what Land ownership is. It's vacant because we stopped seating national Senators. We forgot that Electors are Land Owners.
Our nation's government is vacant and it's up to us to re-seat it. The first step to re-seating our government is understanding how it is seated in the first place.
The Constitution of the United States of America shows, the general popular vote of the people does not elect the President of this nation's government; the Electoral College does. The Electoral College must elect the President by a margin. The Senate reviews the Electoral College's presidential election and only they can ratify the election and seat the new President. If they do not ratify the election the Senate holds their own election and seats the President which may be of their own choosing. Either way, the Senate always seats the President.
Now what would happen if there was no Senate seated? According to Law, the President cannot be seated except by the Senate.
As stated, when Corp. U.S. was formed, they adopted their constitution as one of their charter documents. It was identical to the national Constitution except that they dropped out the national 13th amendment and renumbered the remaining amendments as the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to their Constitution of the United States. That left their constitution with one less amendment than the national constitution. They fixed that by adding their own 16th amendment without ratification. To the corporation, ratification was not necessary; after all they created their constitution in 1871 by adoption; what could keep them from doing the same thing with their corporate amendments? Then, in 1913, Corp. U.S. created their 17th amendment which removed the nature of Corp. U.S'. governing relationships from a Republic, like the nation is, to a 'Democratic Oligarchy', which form of government is repugnant to the Law's of this nation. Therefore, their 17th amendment had nothing to do with the national constitution.
Once Corp. US inserted their 17th amendment (again without ratification) and accordingly began seating their corporate Senate, the national Senate was vacated because the State legislatures and the State governors stopped seating national Senators. By 1916, the national Senate stopped seating Presidents.
The result of this history is what we all see happening today: in our modern world people think that Corp. U.S. is their government and they are contractually controlled by it with nearly no way out. Corp. U.S. has legislatively ruled that the people of our nation are its enemies (the Trading with the Enemy Act). There is even evidence of their own involvement in killing Presidents (Kennedy), killing people (the Weavers at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, the Seventh-Day Adventist Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas and thousands more) and participating in terrorism of the people (The Mura Building in Oklahoma City, The World Trade Center) so that they can justify starting wars around the World and tighten security and control over the people of our nation. Remember, this nation was created by the people as a Republic, a government controlled by Law (not one that controls law and the people by its whim). Until the formation of Corp. U.S. the laws and statutes controlled the government not the people. Now, the IMF through its Corp. U.S. and the Corp. States under its control create thousands of statutes every year specifically designed to destabilize (or systematically destroy) our economy and force the people to only act under their will and control. Since W.W.II— the war against Fascism (settled by the Bretton Woods Agreement) — we live in a country of government controlled business, which is the very definition of Fascism. We won the battle of conventional weapons but we lost the war and the Fascists used our patriotism and will for peace to convince us to support them without noticing what had happened.
Where do we go from here?
The only legal, lawful and peaceful and way out is to put our Constitutional Republic government back in place. To do this we are re-seating the State governors [See our election map and page]. Once the Governors are in place, they can re-seat any vacant seat. The Governors will seat the Senators. The Senate will seat the President. The President will seat the National Supreme Court and then demand that Corp. U.S. pays back the money Corp. U.S. owes to the national government. Corp. U. S. cannot pay (there is not enough money on the planet) and they are already bankrupt. They have no legal or lawful choice but to recognize the original jurisdiction government as their owner, as the controller of Washington D.C. and as the national government. We will have our nation with its Republic back under the control of Law.
There is also the alternative that from the pressure the people create upon our nation and upon Corp. U. S. to reveal the truth and to re-seat the original jurisdiction government, the corporation could legislate and or regulate themselves legitimately back into lawful elections of the original jurisdiction government and reassume our lawful original jurisdiction Constitutional Republic government. We really don't care which way we get our nation back, so long as it is back, and that our private sovereign rights to life, liberty and property are secured.
The question still remains, How do you control government?
Answer: This is a Republic. In a Republic, government is controlled by Law. That obviously means that government cannot control the Law. The Law controls the government. The people entrust government with sufficient ability to deal with foreign governments and to assist the sovereign people with civil and criminal remedies against trespasses. The people are thereby left alone to control their own lives and properties, as Sovereigns with their own Sovereign land secured by Land Patents, against any kind of encroachment.
May we see it through to the end.