U.S.-Mexico Border Violence Only Getting Worse

Updated: Friday, 19 Nov 2010, 9:43 PM MST
Published : Friday, 19 Nov 2010, 9:43 PM MST

NOGALES, Ariz. - The U.S.-Mexico border spans more than 2,000 miles, from San Diego to the Gulf of Mexico. Two months ago, President Obama sent 1,200 troops to help patrol the border.

But there is a report out that the White House is thinking of withdrawing most of those troops in February. The Department of Homeland Security is denying those reports, but a Texas Congressman says he has seen the proposed plan.

Those troops are responsible for helping to keep the violence from across the border from spilling over.

Since January, Mexican cartels have executed more than 10,000 people. And there are no signs the violence is letting up.

The Mexican military has been deployed to the border, but since they arrived three years ago, the violence has tripled. Several cartel leaders have been captured, but the gangs continue to grow and get more violent.

Texas Governor Rick Perry says he is open to sending U.S. military troops into Mexico to fight the war on drugs. Perry said he likens the situation to the Colombian drug war.

He says just like Colombia, military action may be the only way to secure the U.S. -- but there are no plans to do such a thing.

http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/news/wo ... 11-19-2010