HARRY C. ALFORD: 'Made in China'

by Harry C. Alford, NNPA
October 9, 2006

In his 2002 State of the Union message, President Bush declared that North Korea, Iran and Iraq constituted an ìaxis of evilî because they were arming to threaten world peace. Later, the Bush administration added Cuba, Libya and Syria to that ìaxis,î but not China.

Why not? It is China that gives those countries the technology and courage to do what they do. Yet, we wonít approach China about its sinister actions.

Here at home, illegal immigration is on the front burner. We debate the issue, accuse and threaten all sorts of reactions to the illegal entry into this nation. Everything is focused on the U.S.-Mexico border. However, the most savage form of illegal immigration is the sex slavery sponsored by China. These slaves are being smuggled into the ports of Seattle, Los Angeles, Baltimore, New York and elsewhere. It is barbaric to cram innocent lives into shipping containers, all with the oversight and approval of the Chinese government. Yet, we donít scream about this like we should. It is happening daily but the official anti-immigration action centers around the Mexican border.

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We have trade debates and confrontations with various nations throughout the world. The recent trade talks at Doha collapsed in total failure. The U.S. courts China and wants to consider it for ìmost favored nation for trade.î The reality is that China is a master pirate and trade thief. No country on this earth condones patent theft and the violation of intellectual property rights like the military regime of China. From watches to Buicks, you can find U.S. products being ìknocked offî in China and distributed around the world. Even from the legitimate trade we have more than a $200 billion trade deficit with China. There have been many wars started in this world over less than a trade imbalance.

And it gets worse. In addition to the dirty trading, China falsely props up its money value. The yen is a mystery because this rogue nation uses ìsmoke and mirrorsî to assess its currency value. It is very misleading and can corrupt our money markets around the world. Furthermore, China is buying up our debt. It owns 15 percent of the U.S. national debt (U.S. Treasury bonds). This makes them our single largest creditor. They own a piece of our ìmortgageî and that is very scary. Why are they doing this if not for leverage and advantage and/or blackmail?

When you think of an oil crisis, think ñ and thank -- China. Sixty percent of all the new oil being produced goes to meet the demand of China. This is reflected at our pump. While environmentalists resist our drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, China has begun to do it. They have begun pulling natural gas off the coast of our Florida Keys. Also, they have launched a joint venture with Cuba to begin building oil rigs to pump out the vast reserves off our shorelines. This is bold as you can get. Yet, you donít hear a ìpurrî from the U.S.

The media went ballistic when a small Arab nation was about to take over the management of the Port of Baltimore. Still, nothing has been said about China taking over the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. What is even more devastating is that China now manages the Panama Canal, which once belonged to us. They are there watching our merchant ships as well as our entire navy. This is a serious breach in national security. Again, there are no shouts coming from Congress or the White House.

China is also busy exploiting Africa. For some reason, we are assisting them in that exploitation.

The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is suppose to promote trade and agri-business between the United States and African nations. However, there is a loophole as big as the Grand Canyon that allows China to substitute its cotton products in place of African cotton products. This has delivered a terrible blow to the farmers and textile industry of Africa. What is even more sickening is that the Congressional Black Caucus has supported this action to the benefit of China and detriment of Africa. Even today, members of the CBC are running around Capitol Hill trying to make this action permanent for the benefit of China. This is insane.

China has its mojo working on us and it is a very sad state of affairs. A communist, militarily-run empire with a sordid human rights record and undemocratic system that is totally deplorable. They are the real threat ñ thatís evil, whether on an axis or not..

Harry C. Alford is the president/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. Website: www.nationalbcc.orgemail: President@nationalbcc.org

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