The Border Fence Isn’t Walling Us Off, It’s Protecting Us Against an Invasion
By Cal Thomas
Syndicated columnist/FOX News Political Contributor

The Supreme Court’s decision to allow the Bush Administration to proceed with a 670-mile fence along our Southwestern border is a welcome step that should have been taken years ago. The environmentalists and other left-wingers who opposed the fence were more concerned about interrupting the mating habits of two types of wildcats rather than protecting the nature and character (not to mention laws) of their own country.

This debate has never been about wildcats, or the environment. It has been about importing votes. Liberal Democrats have not been able to win consistently with native-born Americans and legal immigrants and so are importing votes and creating a new class of people dependent on them.

Time magazine has a cover story this week titled “The Great Wall of America: A billion-dollar barrier is going up between the U.S. and Mexico. It’s reducing illegal immigration — but does America really need to wall itself off?â€